Chapter 9

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The sun came through the window directly in my face and I rolled over on the floor. I looked up into Shane's bed and found it empty with the covers pulled back. I got up and found a note on his bed for me.

"hey I went to school I didn't want to wake you up I thought I would let you sleep in. just wait till I get home, I'm sure you can find something to do... stay out of the locker room!"

I felt my face turn red at the sight of the last sentence he wrote. can't really blame him though it was weird, but hey, girls can dream.

I walked downstairs to find Shane's parents at the table talking about something, it looked serious.

"Linda what are you intending I do, get other job," Shane's dad said.

"no Henry that not what I'm saying. I'm tired of tricking people. it's sad to watch it happen and me being the cause of it," Linda said.

"we could always kick shane out of the house, he's 18. or we can start asking for rent. but Linda the boy had no smarts. he wants to be a doctor sure but him being a nurse isn't doing him any good. and Tyler is 16, all he does is screw his girl friend and think we don't know about it. if that girl gets pregnant it's on him, I want nothing to do with it, we are already low on money," Henry said.

Linda said nothing, she got up her eyes red and walked up stairs into her room and gently closed the door.

how could you talk about your own sons that way. their your kids your suppose to help them not think of kicking them out.

not wanting to hear anymore I closed my eyes and popped into my house. I walked around looking for my parents for I can see how they are doing. I stepped into the kitchen to see the floor painted red. where is everybody...

I teleported to the hospital and must have ran through every door ever room, until I found one that said surgery room. it was the last door, crossing my fingers I stepped inside seeing a few doctors and nurses leaning over a figure.

trying not to touch anybody I looked at who laid on the table. my mom sat lifeless and a doctor was pulling a pocket knife from her chest. the monitor went blank and I couldn't watch anymore. going to the waiting room my dad was talking to a police man.

I stepped over and heard them talking about how a man had broke into the house and stabbed my mom 3 times in the chest. my dad didn't look at all like he had been crying. something else was up. I remembered the knife I had seen and remembered that it belonged to my dad.

"oh my god, YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MY MOM!" I yelled at him.

the lights where flickering and people where starting to panic. I grabbed my dads shirt and something weird happened. I seen all of my dads memories, one being of him and stabbing my mom. I opened my eyes and looked at my self. I was my dad, could I possess people?

I looked at the cop and wondered what to do. I remembered the nanny cam we had in the living room and wondered if it had been on. I pulled my dads phone out and pulled the website up and signed in. the cam had been off, there was no proof. I had to do something.

putting my dads hands in his pockets I felt something sharp poke me. another knife... I pulled it out and stabbed the officers shoulder and he had shot me. I fell out of my dads body and felt all the pain from the bullet in my chest. I sat down and looked at my dads dead body. I held my chest my breathing uneven and left. both of my parents are dead. what did I do? what do happend when I wake up?

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