Chapter 7

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***faiths Pov***
I sat outside Shane's door as he explained everything to him. Why is it that only the kids in this family can see me? I find it kinda ironic that the parents can't considering there job.

The room got quiet so I went to knock on the door only falling through it and on the floor next to Tyler's feet.

"Are you ok," he asked?

"Yep, I'm fine, just not use to this yet," I said pulling myself up.

"So, if you don't mind me asking how did you die," Tyler asked?

"Tyler," Shane said.

"No, it's fine. Well first of all I'm not dead, I'm in a coma. My real body is in the hospital, where I found Shane. So I'm hoping he can help me get back into my body or something," I replied.

"Why don't you just wait to wake up naturally," Tyler asked?

"Cause I'm not sure if I ever will," I said.

A knock on the door behind me made me jump and Shane's dad walked in. He walked right through me and stopped getting the chills.

"Is it cold in here," he asked?

"No," Tyler instantly said.

"Oh, ok well dinner will be ready in an hour," he said looking around the room.

He left closing the door leaving the three of us alone.

"So how can you see me," I asked?

They both looked down at there feet and said nothing.

"Guys," I said?

"We'd, rather not talk about it," Shane said.

"What are you not telling me Shane," I demanded.

"Just leave it faith," he yelled.

He left the room leaving me with Tyler.

"What was that about," I asked?

"About a year ago me and Shane went to this party. We weren't suppose to be there, teens where drinking and smoking. Well finally our parents found us and made us go home with them. A dog ran in the middle of the street and the car swerved off the road in the river. We shouldn't have made it out but some magical way we did. me and Tyler where both in comas two and we had each other to figure things out. So I guess that's how we see you, we use to be you," Tyler finished.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

The death of faith [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora