Chapter 23 - Chores and Jealousy

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The next morning , i woke up alone in my tent . Call me paranoid but that got me thinking that Joe left because he didn't want to have to spend time with me when i woke up. Or maybe he was sick of looking at me . Did i really look that horrible when i was asleep ? Or was i just flat out ugly ?
But if i was that ugly why would Joe want me ? Why would he be threatened by Travis ?

Maybe he likes me despite the way i look ? But in that case doesn't he deserve better ? And why does Travis like me ?

All these questions swirled in my head before Joe opened the zipper to the tent and came in giving me a to-go mug and a paper bag .

"I got you breakfast ." He smiled sitting next to me . In his hands he held items similar to mine .

I opened the bag to find an apple that has seen better days . But the fact that we could find fruit at all was amazing . Then there was a piece of cheese wrapped in tin-foil , again , AMAZING finds considering the situation and a small container of chocolate flavored pudding . The to-go mug held some coffee and me and Joe ate silently .

" is the bike done ?" I asked after my last bite .

"No , they're having trouble finding parts and shit ." He answered nonchalantly sipping his coffee . " We might actually need your bike so i guess we have to stay here till it's done ." He reasoned .

" where did you find the food ?" I asked again , trying to make conversation .

" They have a canteen , by the way , Travis said that if we're going to stay here , we need to help with the chores ." He added .

" ok ."

I felt awkward , i didn't know what to say to him .

" it's going to be ok ." He said out of the blue .

" yea " i agreed smiling , and he smiled back .


My chores consisted of organizing their food provisions . Hulk and Greg , considering their size , had to help get wood , Joe and Malefoy had to join the cooking team , and Selena , Patricia and Maria had to babysit the societies children. There were about ten kids here only . All ranging from the ages of three to six .

Organizing the food was kind of hard considering i was all alone in a huge storage room .

But i managed .

While i was working on my last section , i felt as if i was being watched . I looked around and saw a little girl standing there between the isles of food in the dark storage room .

" Hey sweetie are you lost ?" I asked the adorable little girl .

" no , Travis told me to come check on you ." She answered smiling .

" You know Travis ?"

" Yep , he's my big brother ."

She had light blond hair , and chubby cheeks and she was the most adorable little girl i've ever seen .

" Well you can tell him that i'm almost done . What's your name ?"

" Jasmyn . And yours ?"

"Demi ."

" You're pretty ." She commented shyly .

" awww thanks , and you're adorable ."

" Jasmyn are you there ?" A voice asked . It was Travis .

" right here " called Jasmyn .

Travis walked over to where the little blond girl in the glittery pink dress stood .

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