"George..." I turned, looking at him before hugging him tightly, "thank you."

"You alright?" He asked quietly, his ear didn't look too bad today, I smiled as I pushed his hair out of his face.

"Thanks to you," I smiled.

He gave a small smile, something was bothering him, I frowned knowing exactly what it was. I closed my eyes, I felt empty and cold...normally things like that wouldn't effect me, I could brush it off with few regrets. But I realized that I really was changing, I started crying again.

Ginny was completely right about me and I was worried...I can't keep the twins waiting, I have to choose...but I just couldn't.

"Don't listen to her," George whispered, he kissed my forehead.

But I couldn't, she was right. I knew it, and George knew it. My chest began to ache and my arms felt heavy as I stood there and George walked outside to find Fred, I reached for my purse and pulled out my anxiety pills, taking one. The nervous thought of them giving up on me ate away at my mind and I breathed a heavy sigh as I let the medicine do its job.

I thought about how I felt when I was with Fred compared to when I was with George...being out of school it was a different experience entirely which gave me more perspective on everything. Deep down I think I knew the answer...but I was frightened, I was too scared to admit it.

I stood across the dance floor as every one watched Bill and Fleur have their first dance as husband and wife, I caught George's eye who smiled and winked at me. I blushed slightly before I was pulled close to someone and we spun on the spot.

"You are still the prettiest one here," Fred commented with a grin.

I blushed, I had picked up a royal purple dress with a black lace layer that sat over the material. There was no back to it and it showed off my figure nicely. Which I knew had gotten two people's attention.

"Thank you, Freddie," I smiled.

'So I think you've made your choice," he commented. His eyes searching mine for some confirmation.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," he frowned and leaned closer, "I heard what happened with you and George."

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "I haven't...and nothing happened!"

Fred smiled slightly, but it wasn't a happy smile, he looked sorrowful, "whatever you say."

"Are you mad?" I whispered, feeling the horror to know the truth eat away at me.

Before Fred could answer someone cut in.

"Mind if I take her?" I felt butterflies jump around my stomach and my heart speed up quickly. That was strange.

Fred stiffened as George waited expectantly, "no, not at all." Fred's smile was gone as he dropped my hands and George took me in his arms.

There was a clear difference in how the boys held me, Fred was carefree and warm and fun and the second I was in George's arms I felt...it was hard to explain. It was completely different than how I felt when I was with Fred. I felt...the warmth and fun but there was something different I didn't feel with Fred...

"George..." I looked up at him, wanting to tell him what I'd been thinking. But...what if it was too late? He was looking at me expectantly, his hand falling to the small of my back and I was pulled in closer.

"Kayley?" He spoke softly, a shiver went down my spine, but it wasn't bad...it felt nice...

"I...I really am trying," I whispered.

George smiled, "I know. You're doing a hell of a job with everything." He looked thoughtfully down at me, "especially after the last time we were together."

I averted my gaze as George lifted my chin up, "I'm sorry for that."

But George couldn't answer, Kingsley's patronus appeared in the middle of the dance floor and chaos broke out.

It was maybe seconds before Death Eaters appeared and we were fighting for our lives as guests apparated out of there. George tightened his grip on me before springing to action. I followed suit, fighting off two Death Eaters. I watched the golden trio apparate away and I felt happy they were gone, at least they were safe.

I was hit by a spell from behind, my body was bound by chains and I struggled to get free but I was put on my feet by a gruff Death Eater.

"Let her go, just let her go!" Fred was struggling against a death eater as they put us in a circle.

"Hold on mate, we just want to ask your little girlfriend a question. Now...where exactly is he?" one asked behind his mask.

"Who?" I staed dryly.

"Potter," he sneered, stepping closer to me.

"We don't know," George said.

The Death Eater stepped back and smirked, "maybe you will know if we talk to you one on one..." He clicked his fingers and I was pushed onto my knees in front of him. He didn't say a word as I felt the torture curse surge through me, I bit down on my lip, tasting blood as I laid in the dirt.

"Stop it!" George's voice boomed. The curse was instantly lifted, I gave a sigh of relief and closed my eyes tight.

"We're telling the truth, we don't know where he is." Mr. Weasley said calmly.

There was silence, I felt the curse hit me again and I gasped in shock, when it was lifted I heard the familiar cracks of apparation. I felt myself lifted, the scent of cinnamon englufed my senses, as arms carried me and I was stretched like a rubberband from apparation. I was placed on my bed with covers pulled over me.

"Kayley...can you hear me?" Fred whispered.

I looked at him, smiling as he pushed my hair away, "Freddie.."

"I'll go make you some tea, would you like anything?" he asked, his voice filled with concerned.

"Tea would be great," I whispered, getting out of the bed. Fred pushed me down but I pushed his hands away, "I want to shower."

Fred nodded, watching me walk to the bathroom before going to make something.

I was in the shower for twenty minutes, when I exited in black shorts and a red tank top, I saw Fred sitting on my bed patiently with two cups of tea. I sat beside him, I was sore as I moved and shifted beside him.

"Thank you so much, Freddie," I whispered.

"Anything for you, beautiful," Fred whispered. I blushed slightly, sipping my tea, "how do you feel?"

"Sore...very sore," I responded.

Fred nodded, "I'll stay here if you'd like."

I smiled slightly, "you don't have to."

"I'd love to," Fred laughed into his tea, "I want you to be alright."

"That's sweet of you," I grinned.

"I'm a rather sweet guy," Fred winked.

I blushed furiously, we sat in silence after that. Not knowing what to say, my mind wandered and it didn't take long for it to start comparing Fred against George....

We had both finished our teas when it finally hit me...when the feeling I'd been having all night finally made sense....

I loved Fred, I truly did. But Fred wasn't who I wanted holding me right now, I wanted George.

I wanted George to be here because I fancied him. I fancied George.


What did you think? Did you enjoy it? :)

I have plans so don't get too happy ;) ;)

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