A night to remember

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I apply a thin layer of lipgloss, then lean back happy with my appearance. My hair is curled, and pulled into a side pony with a hair clip. My nails have been painted gold, as have my toes, and they have little diamonds on them. I put the lipgloss bag in the bag, and pick up two pearly stud earrings, put them in then smile. Perfect! 

I smooth out my red skirt, make sure the straps won't fall down, then and only then, do I grab my clutch and run down the stairs, not remembering about the step that vanishes and reappears. I slip and scream, my hands flailing around, but I don't hit the stairs, I'm caught by Elliot, a wide grin on his lips.

"You just keep falling for me, don't you?" He jokes helping me up. I blush and laugh a little. I can hear my mom sniggering from the kitchen. "Hi Maureen!" Elliot calls.

"Hi man child!" She kills back. I giggle and grab his hand. "I wanna dance." I moan. Elliot grins and beckons me out front to a-

A limo?!?!

"Oh my god!" I squeal and hug him so hard around his neck I could strangle him.

"This, Casey, is going to be a massive night to remember." He says and leads me to the car. Butterflies dance in my stomach and I grin more than I thought possible.


We come to a holt outside the village hall. Fairy lights hang from the roof and a Christmas tree stands tall in the entrance way. Music booms through the open doors and people are everywhere laughing and dancing. The driver opens the door to let up out and the cold air suddenly cuts through me, my skin getting goosebumps and I start shivering. Elliot wraps a warm arm around me and I instantly feel better.

We walk up the steps to the door, and walk through. In the foyer, there is food and drinks, then a door, leading to a ballroom. Christmas music fills the air, making my heart warm and my grip on Elliot's hand tighten. This is beautiful. Elliot winks at me and I gently kiss his cheek.

The evening goes by like a blur. We dance, laugh and drink, the whole time, a wide grin on my face. When 11 rolls around I am tired but far from willing to go home.

Elliot and I walk to the car tipsy and giggling. He opens the door for me and I scoot along so he can get in too. We then wait for Ella and Lee. "I can't believe you can actually dance!" Says Ella as she scrambles in. I laugh elbowing him lightly in his ribs. "I learn from the best." He says smiling at me. I blush and he pecks my cheek.

Ella starts cooing and I roll my eyes. As we start moving, the cars gentle rock sets me off into a funny sort of sleep. Although I'm technically sleeping I can still hear wotheir saying. They're talking about some TV show called Eastenders, something which must be a British thing because I've never heard of it. All of a sudden my stomach cramps and a wake up, bunching in a ball, feeling as if I'm going to be sick.

"Casey?" I hear Elliot and Ella say in unison.

"I'm fine!" I say, but as soon as I try to reach for the water, my vision blurs and black out.

Queen of Broken HeartsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα