The beep of my heart

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When I wake up again, a bright, luminous light is shining in my eyes, so bright that I can barely see. A beep is going off in my ear, irritating me more every second. I can feel someone's warm hand in mine. My eyes swivel over to them. At first it's blurry but slowly my vision clears. Elliot.

Slowly memories of what happened see back into my memory. I start to shake, my eyes well up and lean over the side of the bed to vomit up everything residing in my stomach.

I can hear more people come but instead of looking at them I fall back into the pillow and lie completely still.

"Casey honey?"

I look over at my mom.

"What happened?"

I just shake my head.

"Honey I know that. Did you see who it was?"

"He was a head taller than me. He was... That's it. I couldn't-" I mumble before breaking down.

The taste of him remained like a bruise on my lips. I want to throw up again but my stomach has nothing left to let out so I just gag.

After I finish, a strong pair of arms wrap around me, hugging me. Elliot was too sweet, but his touch scares me, and I flinch, making him let go of me. As if he could read my mind, he lets go and apologises.

How the fuck will I find out who did this to me?!

Doctors come and check me, whilst I drift in and out of consciousness. At one point a police officer, Lucy, asks me if I can tell her anything, I shake my head and she lefts out a heavy sigh as if it is all my fault.

That evening, my friends all leave and I'm left with my mom. She continuously cries and hugs me. Slowly I fall asleep into a deep sleep, counting the beeps of my heart instead of sheep.

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