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Spanish is dragging. We were given a paper 45 minutes ago and although we have the hour, I finished it 20 minutes ago.

"Uh miss, what do we do once we've finished?" I ask again. She still doesn't answer. A message pops up from Ella. I grimace but still open it.

Ella💗: We suffer. I have been since 9. You?

Case🌺: five to. Why are you writing in bold???

Ella💗: to express my anger. How could she turn off our wifi?!

Case🌺: maybe so we don't cheat? Just a thought though. Moron 😂😂😂

Ella💗: psh 😴😴😴

I grin and look down at my finished test. I have answered every question and found it incredibly easy.

Case🌺: what did you say when you wrote about yourself?

Ella💗: hi, I'm Ella. I'm 17 years old and extremely hot. I rock at dancing and being lazy. I am very sporty but also love staying in my room.

Case🌺: of corse you'd say you were hot! Of corse you are wrong young one. I said something along the lines of yours.

Ella💗: huh. Fine be that way

It then occurs to me that in talking to the girl who is only friends with me cause I'm new and most likely will get bored of me next week. I quickly turn off my monitor and doodle on the back of my paper.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!

Thank fuck end of period one. Now art. That's good I can avoid Elliot.


"Okay everyone, today you'll be painting flowers. Get your pencils out and start sketching on the canvas before you go over in pen. When you're done you can come up and get you colours. Good luck."

I take a deep breath and start to sketch the pink rose. Roses are easy. They start as a spiral then grow. The colors are simple and just get lighter as the petals get bigger.

Before long I have my outline. I get up and walk to the front where I get my paints. Fuchsia, hot pink, baby pink, grassy green and dark purple.

I start with the centre of the rose. I mix the fuchsia with a dab of purple and start to paint the corner of the spiral.

I finish the thorns just as the bell goes. Finally break. As I'm walking along to the courtyard I hear someone call out my name.



I turn round a corner and walk faster, but I'm small and Elliot is at least 6 foot.

Damn you!

He grabs my arm and spins me round. I glare at him and try to let go but his grip tightens.

"Casey I'm so sorry..."


"What do you mean and?"

Good I've confused him.

"You've said sorry. So there must be something you need. Else you wouldn't be stalking me now, would you?"

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