Lies, love & cherries

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"Liam, can I tell you something?" I ask. We're sitting underneath our tree again.


"You know I told you that one day I would tell you why I did it?"

"Did what? You aren't making any sense." He says sounding confused.

"Break hearts."


"My first boyfriend was called Adam Huchings. I was 13 he was 15. He was so nice to me. Then one day after school we went to mine, my mom was out doing whatever. He kept trying to kiss me and it freaked me out. After a while I just gave in. The next day he didn't talk to me. Then for two weeks nothing. He finally came up to me, and told me he was going out with someone else.

Second boyfriend, David. He did pretty much the same thing. He kept sticking his fingers in my jean pockets and trying to finger me. Then her just stopped talking to me.

That's when Adam asked me out again. But this time I had a plan. I lead him on. I left him begging for more then stopped talking to him. After that I just did it with everyone."



"What about Kevin."

Kevin oh god.

"He was the only boy I wanted to go out with because, I really liked him. You remember him don't you?"

I hate admitting that I liked him, but the truth had to come out at some point.

Liam nods.

"When we met, we'd been going 3 months. I would have done anything for him, I though we were in love. Then it turns out some slut was fucking him, so what was I to do? I got the slag out the way and left him high and dry, standing naked in a changing room at school needing to finish his session and get rid of his little problem."

This makes Liam laugh and I giggle a bit too.

"But that's why I can't like Elliot. I'm scared he's lying and I'll end up being hurt, just like when I was with Kevin."

I can feel my eyes well up and a single tear trickles down my cheek; then they come quick and fast. Liam hugs me and I get mascara on his shirt which makes me cry harder.

Shit now I'm gonna look like a fucking panda with a runny nose. Fuck you feelings!

I look at my phone and notice that it's time to head to form. We walk in a calm silence to science, with Liam's arm round my shoulders, and mine round his waist. People stare at us is shock, they obviously think we're going out.

Oh of only you knew what happened in America. He made out with almost every gay guy in the school the day he came out.

I grin at the memory and hug Liam as we get to the class.

"Sorry about your shirt..." I say.

"It's okay!" Liam laughs giving me one of his bear hugs. He finally releases me and I wave him off as he walks to drama.


I pick up the note left on the doormat, and read it.

Hi Case,
Meet me by the the playground at the park at 5. Wear something nice.

I roll my eyes and unlock my door.

Thanks for asking me at school! It's already 4. How fast do you think I change?!

I dump the hippie vans keys on the table and charge upstairs stripping down to my undies as soon as I get to my attic room.

I walk over to my closet and start sorting through clothes.

Strapless playsuit? No too cold. This? Ugh no!

About 200'000 outfits later I find the perfect one.

I pull my black skinny jeans up over my hips and do them up then walk over to my alcove where shoes are. I slip them on.

I walk over to the mirror to inspect myself. I look pretty good. I have a grey belly top on with my jeans, then black pumps with little bows on them.

I scrape my wavy hair into a messy ponytail and smile.


I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth, then add more mascara and some chap stick, before grabbing my phone and running downstairs to get the keys and go.


I get to the park at 5 past and feel kinda bad, but instantly feel better when I realise the only person here is Elliot.

The bastards probably not even half way here.

I lock the car and walk into the playground. I walk over to the swings and sit down.

"You got my note then."

I turn round and see Elliot.

Oh for fucks sake! He may be cute but couldn't he say it was him?!

"Seriously?! Couldn't you put Elliot down instead of Liam?"

"Nice to see you to! Cherry?" He says and offers me one from a punnet.

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