Hacking and Ansel Elgort

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I have always been good at hacking into things. I got the wifi in 2nd period. Now the whole school has it. Ha.

I'm a fucking genius.

My second mission was to hack into the school chat account. Guess what I'm reading right now!

I'm in Spanish but the supply teacher is asleep so everyone is playing games or chatting on the chat site. I'm monitoring what everyone's doing.

Lee is typing....

My fingers tap the desk and I look up. The teacher is still asleep. Few.

Lee: Skinny bitch my ass. She's been eating crap all day.

I roll my eyes and carry on reading.

Things like that don't hurt me. Bitch!

Elliot is typing...

Elliot: She is hot AF! Seriously her butt. Whow.

Lee is typing...

He looks up and I am standing right in front of him. I can hear him think.

Boobs. The boobs.

Dirty minded shit head.

I smile and whisper in his ear.

"Stare at my tits one more time and you'll be wearing your balls as earrings. Got it?"

He nods. He is practically drooling.

"Good boy Elliot."

His jaw drops so low it looks as if it could hit the floor. I tap his chin and he shuts his mouth.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know things. Lee's text back. Better answer." I say tapping the monitor and walking back to my own screen.

Lee: whatever m8 Ella is to die for so you can have your stupid newbee.

Elliot: did you see that?!?!

Lee: what?????

Elliot is typing...

I look up to see Lee now staring at me too. I smile a little before looking down at my monitor again.

Elliot: she was hitting on me dude. Rubbing her titties in my face.

Ugh I could kill that little shit head!!!


"Hey! You okay?"

"Great thanks you?" I ask Ella after setting my tray down on the cafeteria table and sitting down.

"Good. So you seen Paper Towns yet?"

I nod. "Yeah it was okay. The books better. I mean they missed so much out you know?!"

"Yeah. I can't believe Ansel Elgort was in it! That was too good. You know?"

"I know..."

"I would love to meet him!" She sighs.

"I have met him." I say and her face drops.

"You did not?!" I just nod and get up the picture of us together tuning out for the next five minutes as she fangirls and passes my crappy iPhone 4 around showing her many fake friends.

I swear she tosses her long blonde hair to the other shoulder every three minutes to show how totally bitchy she is. Then to top it off she'll bat her long, black lashes and show off her blue eyes.

Bitch. Bitchy ass wipe. Butt licker. Hoe.

You could say today has been a long day...

Authors Notes
Raise your hand if you feel personally assaulted by Eleanor Richards. Now please raise your hand again if you are utterly obsessed with Ansel Elgort. Me too. I honestly think if I was with my friends and I found out one of them had met him, I would faint. Again.

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