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The wind whistled and shook the window. I got up and looked out. A tree had fallen on the street and a car had been smashed. It was the first time I had ever seen a storm this bad and I was still shocked. Our little lilac tree in the front garden was still standing which was a relief. Layla had said that if it blew down it would have smashed the car.

"Honey, breakfast is ready!" My dad called.

I pulled a wooly jumper over my top and ran down the stairs. I was instantly but by the smell of a fried breakfast.

"Only the best for my two girls!" He said and put two plates down in our seats. He went back and got his then joined us at the table.

"Alright over there?" He mock shouted acting as if I was miles away. We had done the same thing to each other ever since I was 4. We always say at opposite ends of the table and my mom would sit in the middle, and would always tell us off for yelling.

"Pretty good!" I shouted back and laughed. My mom sighed and rolled her eyes.

I tucked into the bacon and it was delicious. It's was so salty and the sauce from the baked beans made the mouthful complete. You could always rely on Paul Stevens aka my dad to make a good breakfast.

I tried to say this is the best thing ever, but failed due to my mouth being full of sausage and egg, so it sounded more like "bish iv er beft fing errre!"

"Stop talking with your mouth full monkey!" My mom said and I laughed spitting yolk and meat across the table and right into my dads face.

"S-sorry..." I started. I opened my mouth again to apologise but got a splat of beans in my face instead.

"Eww gross!"

"Sorry kiddo!"

"Paul honestly I-" my mom was cut short by me flinging egg in her hair.

5 minutes later and we were a complete and utter mess. Food lay all over the dining room floor and was splattered across the ceiling. We were covered in the goopy remains of our breakfast and probably smelt worse than a McDonalds kitchen.

We all left the kitchen and got into our pyjamas and chucked out dirty laundry in the utility room. My dad was the first in the shower. When he got out he got dressed and came into the kitchen. We were trying to find cleaning supplies. Not a single thing was to be found.

"I'll go get some stuff. I'll be right back. Five minutes okay?" He said.

"Okay honey love you!" My mom called. He pecked her lips and then left.

That was the last time they ever kissed.

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