Facing Our Demons

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"Why the long face?"

"Get out..." I whisper.

He doesn't move.

"Get out!" I yell.

People start to stare and I know I'm crying but I don't care.

"Babe please don't yell." He says grabbing my arm. I flinch back.

"Get out. Don't call me babe, don't touch me, get out!"

People stare, their faces boring into my soul. I reach into my pocket, not thinking and pull out my phone. I don't even need to look at my phone to dial my number.

"Police please, the man who raped me the other day is here at North High School. Come fast he's drunk." I say coldly into the phone and hang up.

Someone must have gone to get a teacher because the Headmistress, Madam Gool, is walking towards us fast. She has a stern, angry face, even when she laughs, she has cool blue eyes, thin lips and a nose too big for her head. Her straight blonde hair is left down, and she has a tight black dress on. Her heels clip on the laminated floor.

She gives me a small reassuring smile, which would have felt comforting if not for her creepy characteristics. Then she grabs a tipsy Kevin by the wrist and pulls him after her.

The students separate and lean against the corridor walls, like the Red Sea when Mosses passed through. The whole time I sway, feeling sick and faint, a strong pair of arms catch me as I fall, leaning me against the open fire exit door. The fresh air soothes me a little but not much, and as soon as the realisation of what just happened kicks in I burst into a fit of tears.


"You could be... an artist like your mom?"

I snorted and choked on my soda.

"Me, an artist? Sorry when was the last time you had an eye test? Besides, they don't make money. I need to make money so I can move to France."


"Mmhmm!" I said taking a bite of my pizza. I swallowed before beginning to talk again.

"I want to live in Paris. Get an amazing job. All of that. So.... When I retire I can uh.... Do loads of artsy stuff from Paris..."

"BE AN ARTIST CASEY!" Kevin practically yelled at me.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing when people started to turn and stare.

How did he go from such a great guy to that?!

Our first date, we went to see Star Wars.

Our first kiss, in his convertible under the stars.

How did I go from being the girl he love to the girl he used so fast.

Two police officers come and talk to me. I tell them everything, our previous relationship when we were 15, why we split, how I knew it was him.

The only thing I don't get is why he is even here....


"Your mums here to get you." The receptionist says, her fake white teeth shining through her recently applied lipstick. As I get up, she takes out a pocket mirror and lipstick and opens it, applying more of the tacky red to her face. The gold on the lipstick clearly screams cheap, as does her huge fake pearl earrings and matching necklace. She was trying to prove she was worth more than plastic, and, may I add, failing.

I walk into my moms wide, open arms and begin to sob, her arms comforting and understanding.

"Why..... W w was he f f following meeeee?" I say, almost howling, in between hiccups.

"I don't know baby, but I've got you, you're going to be okay."

"Mommy?" I whisper, "Did I bring this on myself?"

"No baby! No. You're a good girl. I have no idea why he would want to hurt you." She whispers back, and starts walking me to the hippy van.

All the while, two people watch, one smug, the other concerned.

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