"OK once I have finished counting to three I want you to open your eyes." He said and I nodded. "One, two three, open." He finished and when I opened my eyes I instantly squealed in delight.

"Oh my gosh, you bought me a car!" I yelled and instantly jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and planting a massive kiss on his lips.

"Well you were telling me how you were saving up for it, so here it is." He said laughing and I kissed him again.

"Have I ever told you that you are the best boyfriend ever?" I asked staring down at him.

"No, I don't believe you have to from that reaction." He chuckled. I jumped out of his arms and went over to my new car. It was a black jeep with a massive bow on the front. I turned around to look at him just as he chucked me the keys. 

"Are we driving to the airport in this?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Of course." I ran up to him and gave him another kiss.

"I better go and get my stuff, we don't want to be late for our flight." I said hurrying back to the dorm block with Tristan trailing behind me.

"Don't worry, they won't leave without us." He said.

"Do have ins with the pilot or something?" I asked and I heard him laugh.

"Yeah something like that."


"Take a left turn here, then up ahead make a right." Tristan directed me. I was really confused.

"Um, Tristan, are you sure this is the right way?" I asked and he nodded.

"Truly positive." I still wasn't so sure. We came to an airfield that was heavily barricaded. When I drove up to the main gate, Tristan showed some sort of card to the guards and they let us through. As soon as we got in I was in utter awe. There were private planes everywhere.

"You own a private jet?" I asked Tristan astonished as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Well, my family does." He answered bringing a trolley towards us.

"Oh my actual gosh. That is so cool." I mumbled as he packed our bags on to the trolley. We sat in the customs area for about 30 minutes before heading out onto the air strip. I instantly took hold of Tristan's hand and trailed behind him as he showed me the path to the plane. 

When we got there I was absolutely stunned. The plane was amazing. An air hostess was standing next to the stairs waiting for us. 

"Welcome Mr Henderson and Ms Charring." She said to us and I gave her a smile before following Tristan on board. I don't think that I have ever been in more luxury in my life.


Tristan would not tell me where we were going, only that the flight was ten hours. I even went into the cot pit to ask the pilot who would not tell me. Tristan had also closed all the shutters after a certain amount of time. I hate the feeling of the unknown. 

I spent the whole flight reading, until I finished so then I went to bug Tristan. I ended up sitting on his lap while we watched a movie. I asked if we could watch the new Magic Mike movie which was earned with a glare. We ended up watching The Transporter. I liked that movie and I so wanted to watch it.

I must have fallen asleep as I woke later, still in Tristan's arms. He was on Facebook so I just put my head back on his chest and watched him scroll through everything. I saw him like a photo and I looked at it more closely. It was a picture of him and Elizabeth.

Do you really love me Alpha King?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora