"That doesn't mean you should have to," his voice had softened and he'd stopped growling. "As your mate it's my job to take care of you and keep you safe," he started walking back to her.

"But you saw what I can do at the campsite," Kiedi still tried, "I took them all out by myself!"

"That was in anger beautiful, it's completely different," Luke started pleading with her now. "Seeing you out there terrified me more than having that demon try to pull me apart. I can't risk losing you Kie, you're everything to me," he framed her face in his palms and stared into her eyes.

"I just want to be closer to you," she said softly as she brushed her thumb over his bottom lip.

"You can be as close to me as you want," Luke smiled and Kiedi thought she had won this argument until he finished, "Except for on the battlefield," he whispered against her lips.

Kiedi pushed him away from her with both her mind and her arms and he went flying back about five feet from her.

"What the hell?" Luke growled. Before he  could storm over to her the front door burst open and everyone started rushing out.

"Kiedi my baby!" Kyle said as he lifted her off the ground. She laughed and hugged him when he put her back down. "I missed you girl!" he grinned down at her.

"I missed you too," Kie smiled. She hugged Cooger , Leo then Carl, "I missed all of you guys."

"Thought you might have forgotten about us," Leo joked as he threw his arm over her shoulder.

"And I thought I was going to be the only girl again," Jasmine joked as she pushed Leo away and gave Kiedi a hug.

"I could never forget you guys," Kiedi sniffled, "your like family to me."

Jasmine linked their arms together and they all walked inside together; She purposely avoided Luke's eyes as she passed.

"I was preparing dinner, it will be ready in awhile," Esther said giving Kiedi a light kiss on her temple then excused herself to the kitchen.

Kie sat on the couch and Jasmine and Kyle sat on either side of her. Cooger sat on the arm of the chair beside Jazz; Carl stood the side leaning up against the wall and Luke and Leo had disappeared.

"So what was it like up there?" Jazz asked.

"Better than any of you could imagine," Kie replied with a smile.

"Meet any cute angel boys up there?" Kyle asked mischievously looking for Luke to annoy.

"Not really," Kiedi shrugged, "no one really wanted to talk to the half breed up there."

"Awe I'm sorry," Jazz said touching her thigh in consolation.

"It's cool, I'm home now," she smiled as she looked at each of them.

"Dinner was wonderful Esther, thank you," Kiedi said as she helped wash the dishes.

"Thank you Kiedi, and thanks for offering to do the dishes."

"Ech hem!" Leo cleared his throat beside her. He was drying and stacking them back in the cupboard.

"Thank you too Leo," Esther laughed at her son.

"So what's going on with you and Luke?" Leo asked after Esther left and he and Kie were finishing up in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Kie asked even though she knew.

"Don't lie to me Kie, I can sense emotions so I know something is up," Leo leaned on the counter and crossed his arms.

Kiedi hung up the dishrag and looked at him, "I want to help you guys but Luke won't 'allow' it," she put air quotes on allow.

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