Chapter 12

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It took about an hour for prod to get here. He pulled up in the back of the house for some odd reason, but i didn't pay it much attention. I grabbed the twins belonging and head for the door. When I opened it, Prod and Roc were standing behind the door. Ugh last person I wanted to see.

Prod reached for my face but I flinched and jerked my head away. He seemed to be really offended by that. He reached again and gentle placed his hand where I was hit earlier.

" you did this?" he asked Roc while examining my face.

" I told you already. I was out of it. I didn't know what I was doing

He didn't say anything but go over to the twins and play with them. It was weird standing in front of Roc, so I tried to avoid eye contact.

He came up to me and hugged me. I didn't hug back.

I was so tired of everything. Maybe if I had done something with my life, things wouldn't be the way they are.

Every time someone hurts me I always let them back in.

Hugging him just bout up the memories of us. I loved him but if I let him back in and he did it again, but to one of my babies I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I just wanted to get away from this life a had to do something for me for once.

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