"Good, just doing some MANLY stuff." He said. Lisanna sighed and decided to give up. She would ask him some other time.

The right time.


"Finally! I'm starving!" Said Gajeel while taking a seat next to a reading Levy. He noticed she didn't make a dent in her food so he quickly snatched away her book.

"H-Hey! Give me it back!" She protested while having to stretch high into the air to get her book. But of course Gajeel is much taller so she couldn't reach.

"Gihi, not until you start eating, shrimp." He said with a smirk on his face. She puffed her cheeks out and crossed her arms. She knew she couldn't win let alone reach the book so she started eating.

"Um, could you guy's not flirt with us around?" Teased Gray. They both instantly turned a thousand shades of red at his comment--Levy almost choked on her food--making all of them giggle at their behavior. After that Natsu noticed Lucy wasn't around like last time.

"Hey I forgot my lunch in my locker, I'll be right back." He got up before anyone could ask why. Lisanna had noticed Lucy's absence as well and was starting to get suspicious.

"Guys didn't he just finish his lunch?" Asked Gray with an eyebrow raised.

"That guy can be so weird sometimes." Added Gajeel inspecting Levy's book. "And dont you have anything better to read?" He asked dangling the book in her face. She took the chance and snatched it away.

"You know very well that I can only read that." She was getting a bit sad after saying that and Gajeel felt bad about it so he placed his big hand on her head.

"Sorry pip squeak." He apologized. She had a sincere smile on her face an then noticed the last thing he said.

"It's LEVY!"


Natsu made his way up the stairs like before and opened the door to the rooftop. And just as he suspected, Lucy was there, sitting in a corner alone.

"Don't you ever get borde up here?" He asked trying to start a conversation.

"Not you again." She said bluntly.

"Nice seeing you to." Natsu replied sarcastically. She didn't answer and just looked away sassily.

"Look, you left your bento box yesterday and I wanted to return it, but you left before I could even give it to you." He took out the bento box and placed it on her lap.

She took it questionably and noticed it weighed more then before. She looked back at him with an eyebrow raised.

Natsu just shrugged it off, and without saying a word, she opened it. She was surprised when she found it was practically overflowing with food. Her eyes started to sparkle and drool was visible at the corner of her mouth.

Because she ran out of money she couldn't have breakfast let alone lunch. She was happy she would have food today so she devoured it in about two minutes.

"Looks like you haven't eaten anything since forever." Natsu said a bit jokingly.

"Well technically I haven't." She said while wiping her face with a napkin.

"Why?" He asked with curiosity clearly shown in his voice. Lucy was debating whether or not she should tell him.

But there was something . . . different about him that she just couldn't let go. After a long pause and with a big sigh, she began to explain.

"You see, my dad was never 'father material' so he and I have always butted heads. One day he told me that he was tired of me being so dependent of him so he wanted to marry me off to someone. And obviously I declined, and we made a bet where I have to live by myself without his money or help. If I lasted that time without him, then I can go back home and be with whoever I wanted and live the life I wanted. But if I go back to him before that time, I have to marry the person he chooses for me without any complaints." Lucy rambled on without noticing.

"Wow, talk about tough." Was all Natsu could say.


"Well we'd better get going if we don't want to get to class late." Said Lucy while standing up. She bent down to pick up her bento box but Natsu beat her to it.

She extended her hand out for him to give it to but he just nodded his head a 'no' with a grin.

"I'm just going to give you this back tomorrow with food, you know, until you can afford your own lunch?" Lucy was a little taken back by his kindness but then smiled.


"I'm gonna go on ahead, I have to meet up with some of my friends." Natsu started heading for the roof door. But right before he leaves, he turned around and said

"You know, you look better when you smile, you should do it more often." And with that said, he turned to leave.

Lucy was dumbfounded, once she fully processed what he had just told her, she could feel her face heating up.

W-What was that all about? . .

Deciding to ignore it, she made her way to her classroom.



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