Chapter 19: Behind the Veil

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Rose was clinging to the white werewolfs ruff. He was still racing as fast as he could towards the edge of 'the beyond'. She was holding on for dear life. She glanced back, seeing only thick unknown forest. The cave was far behind them, along with the fox who'd tried to kill them. "Kimata, it's been 10 minutes, he's miles behind us, slow down!" He didn't. "Kimata!" Her chest felt tight with anxiety and she kicked his side to get his attention. "Slow down! Now!" His pace slowed to a stop. He was panting hard, head bowed in exhaustion. Rose hopped down, legs shakey from the ride but she walked in front of him and gently stroked his large ears, tilting his chin up to look at her. Kimata looked up at her with regretting and fearful eyes. For the first time, she felt more controlled and calm than he did. She smiled reassuringly and slowly guided him to hold his head to to be level with hers, looking into his eyes. "It's going to be okay wolfy... We're safe for now... Okay?.." Rose leaned forward, gently kissing his forehead and petting his head soothingly. "It's okay... I'm confused as always, but it's okay..." Kimata's intense blue eyes gazed back into hers, seeming to be lost in their depths. Several seconds passed before he snapped back to reality. He shape-shifted back into his normal form. He was shaking lightly where he stood. Rose understood there was a connection between him and the stranger... But she also understood it must be personal and something bad... She'd leave it for now. Sooner or later she'd ask, if he didn't tell her first. Kimata was still panting but seemed to have gathered his breath. He stopped shaking. Rose stood still before him and watched him quietly for a few long moments. She wondered what he was thinking. 'Maybe he can't think...' Maybe that was a good thing. She didn't want to think about what had just happened. In fact she couldn't. Every time she tried to concentrate, the stressful thoughts of being chased down by yet another stranger were pushed out of her mind. Maybe that was good too. Kimata sighed and finally stood up straighter, shaking himself a bit as if clearing himself of stress and he smiled half-heartedly. Rose smiled back and hugged him shortly. She didn't want them both to get emotional. For now they were safe. They didn't have to think about what had just happened... They just had to figure out where to go next. Rose reached down and groped at the satchel still at her side. It was all she had with her when they'd run. Kimata had his sword... But that was it. "Crap..." She sifted through the contents of her bag. Only a loaf of bread and a small wrap of dried meat... Even her sleeping bag was left back at the cave. Kimata glanced over and cursed under his breath when he understood. "All that time spent gathering supplies... That's a waste and a shame..." Rose nodded in agreement. They were so close to the borders of 'no mans land'... They were just outside of it. Thank god there didn't seem to be any patrols around today... Rose pushed away the foreboding feeling creeping up on her and smiled as cheerfully as she could manage, loosening the strap on her satchel, setting it down against the trunk of a nearby tree. "Well... We should get started on hunting. It's still early so we can have ourselves ready by evening and atleast get inside the mountain range today. That fox won't take long to find your trail and catch up. So let's get started." Rose turned to head off into the hunt when Kimata grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around. He was smiling and he leaned forward, placing his gentle lips to her skin, softly kissing her forehead. "Thank you Tigsy... I needed the reasurrance." He smiled more and Rose blushed deeply. Tigsy? She had said that out loud. "Yeah... A lil nickname for you lass... You have the heart of a tiger, and the cute silliness of a free hearted child. And I love that about you... So a cute, silly nickname it is for my little tiger~." Rose felt her cheeks get hot. God knows how bad she was blushing. 'Tigsy'... As cute and silly as 'Wolfy'... 'I like that...' Rose smiled brightly, still blushing like crazy as she turned to head off into the forest. Time to hunt for their dinner.
         Rose slithered through the bushes and came upon a strange tasty scent. It wasn't any animal she'd come across before... But it smelled similar to a mink or a rabbit. 'I wonder what it looks like...' Kimata was somewhere near her, judging by his close scent. 'He's gonna be so proud of me when I catch us dinner!' She began to stalk the strange scent, keeping low and moving slowly on all fours, getting closer to the small creatures location. She could hear murmuring now and saw a small brown furry creature behind some bushes. 'Gotcha...' Rose roared out to shock her prey and launched forward out of the brush, coming down hard and landing on top of the animal, pinning it down with her paws and her weight. It screamed and struggled under her, it's paws hand-like like hers. It was a male large rodent looking creature about 2 feet tall with big soft ears but wider at the base than a rabbits. He had blue markings and chest with purple eyes. And a funny little mark on his forehead that looked like a moon crescent. He had a thick tail base thinning to a softly rounded tip. This was the weirdest looking thing she'd ever seen! It smelled delicious though. She fell into a cats playful state of mind and leaned down softly licking at it's furry ears, giving them a nibble. "Mmnnn.." It shrieked and struggled worse, ears flattening down, the scent of fear thick in the air. "AAHH!!!" Rose stood there staring at it for a moment in shock at the sound of it's voice, hesitating the final blow. This wasn't anything like normal non-sentient It whimpered and suddenly shouted at her. "G-Get off me! Please don't eat me! I-I'm not prey!" Roses eyes widened and barely noticed as Kimata ran in and shouted confused and shocked. "Ekko!? What are you doing here!?" Rose jumped off the small creature and backed away. 'Two people from the past in one day... Damn...' Kimata's eyes narrowed. "Ekko." Kimata growled as he focused in on the small creature, eyes flaring angrily. He gave him that predatory hungry look Rose knew from Kimata's werewolf form. "Oh no..." Kimata launched forward, pinning Ekko down and barring his fangs, barking loudly in anger. Rose could tell this wasn't going to end well for the rodent and she launched forward too. "Kimata stop!!!" She grabbed Ekko under his arms and dragged him out of Kimata's way before his jaws snapped down. He barked again in anger. "He's mine! Give him back!" She wrapped her arms tightly around Ekko and encased him in a protective wall of her fur and body, keeping him close. Ekko was shaking and clinging to her. Poor thing... "No!" She shouted back, growling. Kimata's anger intensified. She didn't care. As far as she knew Ekko was on the defensive side. And he was far too small and afraid to be any threat, let alone defend himself. This was a trouble of former friendship by the harsh betrayal she could feel in the air. Kimata was still eyeing Ekko with hatred. "Give him to me! I'm gonna rip his throat out!" Rose growled deeper and held Ekko closer. "Like hell! Shut up and sit down!" Kimata's ears perked and he backed up offended. "I'm not a dog!"
"No! You're a selfish, secretive, jerk with anger issues! Now SIT DOWN AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"
Kimata shuddered, eyes wide and whimpered, backing up and sitting down against a tree. Rose felt bad that he looked rather hurt, but she held her ground. She was sick of being uninformed with everything on this entire trip. Rose calmed down a bit, still clinging onto Ekko like it was her life she was protecting. He was clinging to her and watching nervously and seeming in awe at her change of sides when she'd nearly caught him as dinner.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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