Chapter 16: Confession

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Sunlight poured into the cave, fluffy white clouds drifting through the softly hazed sky. Warmth filled Kimata's chest, as he lay curled up happily on his sleeping bag, sleeping lightly as he lay curled around something warm. It felt like a soft, heated pillow and he purred in his sleep, snuggling it more in the pure comfort it gave him. He felt it over with his hands softly. Over a few areas there was soft material, and others it was soft fur... A furry pillow? 'What the hell?...' He thought to himself, slowly waking from his comfy sleep. He opened his eyes and blinking a few times, his vision blurred from sleep as he looks down in front of him. His eyes widened as they came into focus, seeing Rose curled up comfily against him, feeling her nuzzle her face into his chest. He froze and blushed ever so slightly at the sight before him, completely caught by surprise. "Oh god... Please don't let her wake up... I'll get another slap-.... Wait.... Rose! You're alive!!... That means I didn't kill you last night!" Kimata laughed loudly and wrapped his arms tightly around her, hugging her tightly and snugly against him. He looked down at her to see her blushing brightly and squirming against him trying to pull away. "Can't.... Breathe...." She coughed and gasped softly and Kimata's ears perked, immediately letting go and getting up, kneeling by her. "Sorry! Are you okay? I didn't hurt you last night did I?.." He looked her over, looking for any bite wounds or scratches, only finding a few dirty cuts that were probably from slipping on rocks and a few bruises around her legs and right ankle. Rose gasped in a huge breath of air and coughed a bit more now that her lungs were full, smiling and blushing, sitting up on her sleeping bag and watching him shyly. "No, you didn't hurt me, you just grabbed me rough around the ankle but I'm okay..." She smiled and sighed softly, looking over at the crevice in the wall with a humorous expression on her face. Kimata pushed more questions on her. "How did you not die? How did my full form react to you? What happened!?" Rose raised her hand to quiet him and she smiled, showing her the half emptied sack of food. "You were really hungry, but I fed you and you calmed down... Kinda like a tamed wolf, but you didn't fully trust me, at least not when I tried to get near you. You didn't attack me after you ate so I fell asleep and I woke up a couple hours later with you curled around me. I didn't wanna wake you so I just fell back to sleep and well, here we are..." Kimata's eyes widened and he tilted his head. "You're playing me...." Rose shook her head and sighed. "I tried climbing the cliff to get away but that was hardly a challenge for you and I'd almost gotten to the top when you pulled me down to the lower ledge. You were about to bite down on my neck when I shocked you with that move you taught me yesterday. After that you took caution to me and took the food I gave without much hesitation instead of eating me." Rose finished and laid back and smiled widely, seeming completely content. Kimata still looked completely shocked but he smiled and sighed in relief. "I'd prayed I wouldn't kill you, but I never thought you'd tame me..." He giggled softly at the thought and smiled more. "I'm just glad you're okay, Rose..."
Rose smiled and sat back up, leaning back on her hands as she watched Kimata curiously. "Anything else you wanna confess to bud?.." Kimata shuddered and sighed softly, smiling up at Rose with a nervous look on his face. "Heh... Well......" He looked off a bit, seeming to ponder how to word his next sentence. "I uhm.... I can change into a werewolf at will during the rest of the month..." He shuddered and watched her reaction nervously. She shuddered and nodded slowly.
"Even in the day?..." Rose asked curiously, her ears perking, seeming to be more curious than afraid. Kimata smiled at her curiosity and low level of fear, nodding slowly. "Show me..." Kimata's ears perked and he shuddered softly at her surprising statement, but calmed a bit a smiled cooly. He backed away a bit and removed his hat, closing his eyes, lowering his head a bit. Rose watched silently and stayed still, eyes plastered to him as she observed. Kimata's fur started to glow brightly, all his markings disappearing and turning white as a full moon, Kimata's clothes molding into his fur like an addition to his hide, all his covering even his sword and it's sheath disappearing into his body to leave nothing but pure white fur on the outside. His body started to grow slowly, expanding and growing to 4 times Rose's size, standing 5 feet at the shoulders on all fours. He opened his eyes Rose was stunned by the beautiful intensity in them that captured her like a spell. Rose watched his expression and he seemed to smirk at her awe-filled face.
Rose shuddered and took a step back just to take in his form and the amazing way he'd changed. He smiled and sat down in front of her, eyes bright as he observed her curiously. Rose smiled and laughed softly, walking forward again, remembering it was him this time... Not the uncontrolled beast of the night. Even thought that now, wolf from last night seemed harmless. She purred softly and reached up a hand, softly stroking Kimata's big wet nose, smiling up at the large wolf before her. His head was massive, maybe 3-4 times the size of hers. And his fur was so soft... He looked and felt like a massive, warm, stuffy. Her hand trailed to the side of his face, gently cupping his lower jaw and cheek in her hand, eyes shining softly as she watched him. He smiled back and gave her face an unexpected lick, dragging his large sloppy wet tongue over her face, feeling unusually warm and comforting. She giggled and blushed brightly, closing her eyes and wiping her wet face off as he pulled away with her cloak. He did that on purpose... "Little Brat..." Rose giggled and laughed softly, watching him pull a less than impressed face, looking humorously annoyed. That made Rose laugh more and she reached up, tickling under his chin, finding a soft tender spot and scratching it gently for him, watching his leg twitch and thump softly. "Hehe~ cute~... I like this form... You look like a walking fluffy Marsmallow." Rose stepped closer and Kimata watched her closely, not responding to her statements. 'He must not be able to speak English in this form...' She thought to herself, standing a foot away, leaning forward and letting her weight fall against his chest, wrapping her arms around his big furry chest and shoulders. He sat still for her, not opposing the treatment of a cute puppy that she laid him with. Kimata smiled and lowered his head, resting his chin over her shoulder and over her back softly, lifting a massive paw and wrapping it around her, pulling her close and smiling more.
Rose smiled brightly and nuzzled her face against his thickly furred chest and giggled as some tickled her nose. She gently gripped bundles of his fur in her hands without tugging too hard, playing with it's soft fluffy flow and perkiness to each tuft. "Your fur is so soft... I love it! You're gonna be my new pillow!" Rose giggled and to Kimata's surprise, gently pulled his front legs out from under him to make him lay down, laughing as she stood there next to his belly and flopped over his side, rubbing herself against his thick warm fur, crawling onto his side and back. Kimata laid there in a daze at what she was doing but smiled at her playful and happy demeanor, letting her climb over him to cuddle his warm soft floof. Rose hugged and snuggled him happily as she lay on his back, her arms wrapped over either side of him, purring loudly. She rubbed her arms and hands in circular motions over his extremely soft fur, closing her eyes and nuzzling her face against the thickly furred, mane-like ruff around his neck and shoulders. Kimata smirked playfully and braced all four paws and legs, shifting Rose's position lightly as he started to stand. Rose opened her eyes confused and clung to him, holding onto his fur on his shoulders so she wouldn't fall off. "What're you doing?.." Kimata suddenly bucked as he stood up fully, throwing the screaming Rose into the air. Rose flailed in midair for half a second before coming down again, landing back onto the white wolfs back. As soon as she landed she clung much tighter to him and wrapped her legs over his sides to give her better balance and grip. "Kimata what are you doing!" Rose shuddered as she heard him bark loudly and deeply. It sounded demanding but playful. "I don't understand what that means-" before Rose could finish, the wolf bucked again, not throwing Rose off this time because of her firm grip and he grinned up at her. Rose saw the grin and shuddered. "Oh no..." Rose screamed as he suddenly launched forward towards the cave entrance, his leaps covering 10-15 feet per bound and was out of the cave within a second. Rose held on for dear life as he made a final leap off the cliff and down into the forest, landing on all fours sturdily after the 20 foot drop, continuing to run forward through the forest. Rose was still screaming in shock and surprise, holding on tightly to the thick fur of his ruff and started to laugh and scream joyfully as he ran faster, passing dappled light from the forest canopy, creating a beautiful scene as they raced by underneath it. "WOOHOO!! Yeah!" Rose smiled and laughed, tightening her drip around his waist with her legs like she was riding a horse, sitting up slowly while holding onto his ruff tightly, leaning forward against the wake of the wind surging by her at his speed. Kimata smiled and ran faster, howling loudly and joyously as he raced through the underbrush with pure grace and speed.
Rose watched the forest in motion around her, only being able to focus on what lay ahead, the forest at the sides a blur as they continued to shoot through the underbrush. Rose yelped in surprise as Kimata made a sharp turn mid-run, gripping tightly again, holding on as he spun on a dime on his front legs, spinning his haunches and racing back the direction they had come. He wasn't even panting when Rose took the time to look at him. Running as fast as he had, hasn't even taken a toll on him from how it seemed. In a couple more minutes they were back in the cave as Kimata pulled himself up the cliff, glancing back at Rose still on his back, smiling. She hopped hop, stumbling and falling from lack of balance, jumping back up and dusting herself. "I'm okay!" She laughed and panted from the excitement of the wild ride. Kimata sat down and shifted back into his regular form out of his werewolf form, his clothes reforming to their normal state as well and he smiled. "That was so much fun, oh my god! Thank you so much Kimata!" Rose giggled and ran over, hugging him tightly, pulling back and looking up at him like he was some famous super star. His eyes glowed happily and he huffed out a humored laugh, reaching up and patting Rose's head, messing up her fur. "I'm glad you enjoyed it lass. It'll be easier to travel if you ride on my back, we just have to make sure we make it past the Outland Scouts who guard the perimeter of 'the Beyond'." Rose nodded and her eyes lit up excitedly. "So when do we leave?" The white wolf turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave, looking out at the sky, noting the sun had risen quite a bit into the sky. It was well on it's way to noon. "First thing tomorrow. We'll have to wake up really early and gather our bearings... We're going to enter the territory of 'no mans land' and we'll need all the supplies we can carry. Today we'll forage around in the forest for anything we can use. First off, let's have some breakfast." Kimata smiled and walked over to the bag in the crevice, pulling it out. Rose sat down and smiled happily becoming lost in thought. Kimata was such a kind and noble man... She couldn't still believe he was a werewolf, but... Even so, she liked his werewolf form too. Wild and normal. She believed she could tame the beastly heart of the wild wolf. She just had to gain his trust. Kimata brought over some bread and fruit from the bag and they both started to dig in. Rose wondered about the adventure in her life to come... And what would come of tomorrow.

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