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Eva walked into the semi dark room to see her only sister, laying peacefully on the hospital bed. There was no sight of cuts nor bruises, which made Eva sigh in relief. Nia walked in with a bottle of water and a tuna sandwich from the cafeteria. "Now that Destiny's back, I can finally hold down my food." Nia said in a hush tone while sitting down in the uncomfortable chair.

"Where did they find her?" Eva said; trying to keep the tears of joy from escaping her glossy eyes.

"Arizona. The police found her. The two bastards, killed someone that had family that loves him and keep track of where he's going from time to time." Nia quietly opened up the plastic container that held her fresh sandwich prisoner.

"So what you're saying is, they accidentally found my sister."

"Eva don't think like that."

"How am I supposed to think?"

"Think about how you're sister is alive and well. Think about how she's here in our lives again." Nia sighed. "You should go home. You had a long night."

"Didn't we all." Eva mumbled before walking out the room.


Destiny flutter her eyes open to see her mother sleeping in the chair beside her. She ease her way up in the bed and sighed. "Mom." She called; making Nia stir and groan.

Nia opened her eyes and stretched out with a groan. Once she saw her oldest daughter; Nia jumped out of her seat and gave Destiny a bone crushing hug.

"Oh gosh, mom. I can't breath." Destiny said against his mother shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Nia managed to pull away.

Knowing it was hard for her mother to pull away, Destiny pulled her mother into a softer hug that Nia always loved from Destiny.

"I missed you." Destiny said.

"I miss you too baby. Ill make sure no one will take you away from me ever again. Even if it has to kill me."

Destiny shook her head. "Mom, don't say that."

"I'm serious. I will sacrifice my own life for all my kids. Just to make them safe." Tears streamed down Nia's puffy cheeks. "I'm so happy you're back."

"I'm glad I'm back."

There was a soft knock on the door, making them break apart and look up to see Jerome with a dozen of white roses in his hand. Destiny's eyes instantly light up from the site of her boyfriend, that she has not seen in a month or so.

"Jerome." Destiny said. It only took his name and the site of him to make Destiny sob. Jerome came to her aid and gave her a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm here baby." He whispered in her ear.

Destiny gripped on his red t-shirt as she buried her face into his chest and scent of the soap she loves. As much as it pains Nia, she got up and left the room so they can have some privacy.

"I will never let this happen, ever again."

Destiny sniffed and pulled away to look up at his face, that is in need of nine hours of sleep in a nice comfy bed.  "It was horrible." She mumbled. The memories flowed through her head; from when they kept her in that shack to when Susan almost raped her. Destiny looked down at the white roses on her lap. "Thank you for the roses."

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