UPDATE - I'm still alive!

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Yeah. So, I've been a bit...absent the past couple of weeks. Sorry. ^^;

I guess you could say that summer has consumed my time and attention. Well, that and my Tumblr. I didn't realize it could be so addicting until I started my own!  But, back to business.

With upcoming vacations and cross country try-outs, I am post-poning The Teddy Bear until further notice

I'm sorry, guys. I just never seem to get around to writing anymore. I promise you, I will continue to write it, but not at this time. :(

If you want to see what I have been doing, please check out my Tumblr. It's linked on my page and I'll try and put another link somewhere on this page. 

Thank you all! You've been wonderful support and I hope that you won't give up on The Teddy Bear

xoxo, iSayRAWR!

Link: http://ilovetosayrawr.tumblr.com/

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