The New Students *Chapter Twelve*

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It was calm for about a second. And then everything burst into chaos.

People pushed forward, dying to meet the new students and to get to their next classes. Shouts and yells filled my ears and I tried to stay upright as person after person slammed into me, knocking me farther away from my friends. I desperately tried to find Naro above the sea of people, but he was nowhere in sight. And the strange creature that I had seen was gone as well.

"Argh, move!" Ryder's voice reached me and suddenly he grabbed me and towed me away to safety.

"Thanks." I mumbled, scanning the area for Naro. Where the hell was he?

Teachers swarmed around the mass of students, trying to bring back order. The new students were nowhere in sight; I guessed they had been devoured by the crowd. Terra, Ophelia, and Percy were struggling to remove themselves. It took about ten minutes for everyone to settle down but soon, students were filing back to their classes, eyes searching for the lost students. I made my way to my next class, but before I could take one step in the room, Naro popped up from behind a locker. 

"Where have you been!?" I hissed, backing away from the door and scampering off towards him. 

"I've been looking every-" I stopped suddenly, taking in his appearance. Anger was flushed across his face and he was gritting his teeth. His lilac eyes had darkened to a deep purple.

"We have to go. Now." His voice was tight and controlled.

"What? Why? I still have class." But something about his expression told me it was not the time to argue.

He motioned me to follow him and I did, making sure there were no teachers watching me. We went down a few stairs and out a back door that all the stoners used to ditch class. Sprinkles of rain dripped from the sky and there was a slight chill in the air. I had no clue where Naro was taking me, but he was in a hurry. I had to jog to keep up with him. We zigzagged through streets and started down an alley when I finally had to stop.

"Hold up," I said. Naro stopped and turned around, irritation scrawled across his face. "If you're going to drag me out of school, you can at least tell me why." 

All of a sudden, Naro tensed and tilted his head up towards the sky. A low growl escaped his mouth and he muttered, "Looks like I won't have to explain anymore."

"Yo," A low voice sounded from behind me. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice ass?"

"Evan!" Screeched another voice. "You don't say those kinds of things to a girl…even if it is true!"

I whipped around, ready to slap some bitches but stopped, surprised. It was the two new students from school.

They were clearly twins. Identical twins, in fact.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be an ass sometimes. I'm Andrew, by the way." He stuck out his hand politely. I shook it awkwardly.

"Whatever. I'm Evan." He gave me a sly grin.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't look away. They looked so strange. So out of place in this tiny town. For one thing, they were both extremely tall; I'd have to guess over six feet. They seemed gangly and probably were the type that tripped over things easily. But, even though they were identical, each looked like polar opposites.

Andrew had this happy-go-lucky kind of glow around him. His straight, black hair was pulled back into a small pigtail, accompanied by many pink clips. His dark blue eyes danced and his cheeks were a faint pink. He wore a cute purple raincoat that I could probably find in the "Teen Girls" section at a clothing store. Matching rain-boots completed his outfit.

Evan was definitely the bad-boy type. He just screamed dangerous. He had jagged, black hair that stuck out all around his head. It rested gently on his shoulders. His navy eyes were dark and murky and a devious smile was plastered across his face. He wore a simple black jacket that was unzipped in the front and skinny jeans. We were both wearing the same Converse shoes. Evan noticed this as well and smirked.

"What are you two doing out of school?" I blurted.

"We could ask you the same question, missy." Evan shot back.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well," Naro was suddenly standing next to me. "Now that everyone's met, I think it's time for us to go."

Who was Naro talking to? I was the only one who could see him, after all.

"Slow it down, girly boy. We're just making simple conversation." Evan said, staring right at Naro. 

"C-can you see Naro?" I whispered, shocked. Who were these kids?

"Yup!" Andrew squealed. "And he's so cute!"

Naro looked away, disgusted.

"What's going on?" I demanded to Naro.

"Like you, Evan and Andrew have a Guardian. And those with Guardians can see the other Guardians that roam the world." Naro explained dully.

Well, that would explain the creature I saw earlier. 

"Yeah. So there's no need to have a hissy fit. We're just trying to get to know our new friend." Evan chided.

Thunder boomed overhead and I felt the light drizzle turn into heavy rain. Naro tugged at my shirt sleeve, beckoning me to go. But I couldn't just leave these two alone.

"Why don't you two come home with me?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" They exclaimed simultaneously.

I know it's been a while; sorry! But, just to let you know, I got a Tumblr! You should totally check me out there. :P Here's the link: 

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