The Training *Chapter Ten*

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"You should really be in bed," Naro shouted above my loud coughing. "Charlotte told you that you needed rest."

"Get off my back." I muttered.

I hated being sick. I would rather have a concussion than be sick. But I guess dying and then coming back to life will start to get to your immunity system after a while. As much as I didn't want to, I crawled back into bed. I was hot. I was shaky. I was cold. I was achy. I had a horrible cough. Aunt Charlotte made me stay home from school, so I couldn't apologize to Ryder for running off like I did. And, it was almost time for finals. Could it get any worse?

Naro sat awkwardly next to me, cross-legged and serious. He had been like that ever since I had told him about my parents and what they had said. I'm not sure what was going through his head. Was he mad at me? Was he sad for some reason? Did something happen between him and Jonah while I was out? Did he know something I didn't?

"I'm thinking I should start training you soon." He whispered. 

I groaned. The last thing I needed right now was training. And what kind of training? Was I supposed to become the next Karate Kid? 

"It won't be that bad. And we'll start out simple."

"How so?"

"First off, you're going to have to start acting like a normal teenage girl," Naro said. "So, becoming Ryder's companion would be of key importance."

"WHAT!?" I shot up, my head spinning. "There's no way in hell that I'm-"

"Shhh, calm down! Charlotte is close by!" 

I clamped my mouth shut, but took great pleasure in shooting daggers into Naro's lilac eyes. 

"I'm just saying," He whispered. "That would look really normal. And it would only be a cover so you wouldn't actually have to do anything with him."

"I still don't see why that's necessary. I can pull off normal." 

Naro snorted. I continued to stab him with my eye-daggers.

"And, you're going to need to start being with your friends more often. Oh, and smiling would be nice too." For an example, Naro flashed his gleaming, perfect teeth at me. I fought the urge to punch him. 

"You don't need to be such a show-off all the time, you know." I murmured, averting eye contact.

The thought of going out with Ryder was making me feel even more sick. We had been best friends since elementary school. His parents had taken me in and treated me like one of their own; giving me food, paying for expenses that Aunt Charlotte couldn't cover, taking me to parks and other fun places. It would just be awkward to become his girlfriend. I didn't think of him as anything else. I thought of all the shit Terra would kick up. God, I hated her sometimes. And if I had to hang out with friends more, that would mean Percy and Ophelia. I groaned again and slumped back down to my pillow. 

"I'm sorry, Koda. But it's for the best." His hand stroked my sweaty forehead. I slapped it away. 

"How is this supposed to keep Jonah and that crazy cat-chick away from me!?" I spat.

"It's not supposed to keep them away. It's supposed to keep others from thinking that you're a deranged lunatic that talks to herself," Naro said. "If you would be a bit nicer, I can explain how Takers work."

"Fine." I muttered, crossing my arms and looking out the window. Once again, it was raining.

"As you know, a Taker is a former Guardian that has been exiled from-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Can we skip this part?" If Naro was going to be a controlling bitch, than I would be too. 

"Okay…" He stuttered. "Since they have been consumed by temptations, they are now visible to the human eye. Meaning, everybody can see them."

"So, is that why Jonah vanished when I called Ryder over that time?" I asked curiously, temporarily getting over my anger.

Naro nodded. "If a Taker is spotted by a human that does not have a Guardian, they lose their immortality and die again.

"Takers also can't go out in the day. And!" Naro exclaimed. I think he was having fun with this. "Each Taker has their own specific ability, as does a Guardian."

"What's Jonah's ability? And what's yours?" 

"Jonah has the ability to control a person with his eyes. That's why you couldn't move at Ryder's house and why you were knocked out yesterday."

It was all beginning to make sense. Jonah's eyes were very mesmerizing, even compared to Naro's. 

"My ability is healing. I can heal all external damage, but not internal," He stated. "But back to what's important."

"What else is there?" I complained, getting tired once more. 

"All Takers have to obey their leader, Lord Kayne. He is a corrupted demon who enjoys the suffrage of others and takes no pity on those around him. He is a true monster who controls them all. If you ever happen to come face to face with him, you will surely die. He has unimaginable power. So, try your best to stay away from him, Koda." Naro gave a teasing smile and I looked away, blushing.

"Is that all?" I sighed. 

"Yes, but I didn't really explain how I was going to train you."

"I'm sick, Naro. I don't need training right now. Can't you just give me a break?" I pleaded, staring into his lavender eyes. I could see my sick, tired reflection in them. I had no idea why Naro wasn't repulsed by my awful bed-head and the dark circles around my eyes. 

"Fine. But I'm not letting you get away."

I was about to give a snide remark when my phone chirped. I picked it up and immediately read Ryder's name. I quickly dropped it before Naro could see, but it never hit the floor.

"I think you dropped your phone." His warm voice sounded from behind me and I jumped, spinning around to face him. Nausea was bubbling inside me. He had a cocky grin on his face and his eyes were bouncing with laughter. 

I snagged the still beeping phone out of his hand, making sure to dig my nails into his palm as I did so.

"Hello?" I forced a cough.

"Koda? Is that you?" Ryder's timid voice sounded on the other end.

"Who else, dumb ass?" I wanted to say but bit my tongue.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Well, I-I was just calling to ask where you were today. I didn't see you at school." He said.

Naro nudged me and he mouthed, "Tell him now!"

Even though I would rather play in traffic, telling Ryder over the phone sounded a lot better than telling it to his face. 

"Ryder, will you be my boyfriend!?" I shoved the words out of my mouth in a jumbled, loud rush. 

"W-what?" I could hear the disbelief in his voice.

"You heard me." I grumbled. 

"Well. Okay." Ryder mumbled. I could just picture him now, glowing with triumph. 

"Okay, thanks! Bye!" I quickly ended the call and chucked the phone at Naro, who dodged it with ease. 

"It wasn't so bad. It was just like ripping a band-aid off!" He laughed.

"Fuck off." I spat and curled back under the covers.

School would be hell tomorrow.

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