The Movie Marathon *Chapter Two*

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For a long time, all I did was stare. My mind was racing to catch up to where my eyes were looking. Just minutes ago a plain, ordinary teddy bear sat atop my desk. Now a boy had taken its place. Through the darkness of my room, I could barely make out what he looked like. The only thing that really caught my eye was a bright red ribbon that was tied around his neck.

And then I burst. 

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!" My voice shattered the silence of my room, causing him to jump off my desk and run over to my bedside. 

"Hey, quiet!" He shushed. 

"GET THE HELL OUT OF- " A warm hand clamped around my mouth, preventing me from yelling out again. 

I writhed around violently, trying to get loose from his grasp. He took his other arm and used it to pen me down onto my bed. 

"Are you going to calm down now?" I still couldn't make out his face but I could hear the smile in his voice. 

I decided to play it cool but I knew exactly where my cell phone was in case I needed to call 911. He slowly took his hands off me and relaxed, now sitting on my bed, inches away from me. I sat up and stared him down.

"I can explain," He said before I could ask. "I'll start with my name. I'm Naro. It's like marrow but with an 'n'." 

Well, I didn't know him. I'd never heard that name before in my life.

"I'm Koda," I found my voice which was slightly hoarse after the yelling and what not. "Now would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

"That's a lot to explain. I don't know if I have that much time…." He trailed off. I was about to ask why when a frantic knocking sounded at my door.

"Koda? I heard you yelling. Everything okay in there?" I looked back at Naro to ask how he knew she was coming but he was gone. 

"Sorry, Aunt Charlotte. I'm fine. Just nightmares," I flinched, secretly hoping she would buy it. I was the worst liar and she knew that very well. 

"Okay, dear. Sleep well. If you need me, you know where to find me." She called and I heard her leave. 

After making sure she was really gone, I looked around my room. But Naro was nowhere in sight. Only the teddy bear propped on my desk.

I flopped back down to bed, my head spinning. Was I losing my mind? I swear I had just seen a boy with a red ribbon around his neck in my room. 

I tossed and turned, trying to go back to sleep but the rain was becoming too loud. Eventually I managed to doze off into an uneasy slumber.

The annoying, high pitched sound of my ringtone pulled me out of my sleep. I reached for my phone and answered.

"Hullo?" I said groggily.

"KODA!" Terra's screech blasted into my ear. "Are you still sleeping? It's past noon! You never sleep this late!"

Just to make sure, I peered at my alarm clock. Sure enough it was 12:34.

I rubbed my eyes. "Sorry, Terra. I guess I slept in a bit." 

"S'okay! But you didn't forget about our plans, did you?" Her voice saddened.

"Of course I didn't." I tried to say as cheerfully as I could. My latest dream was still dancing in my head.

"Yay!" She cried. "Well, get your ass up. Ryder's coming to pick you up at 2:00." 

"I'll be ready." I mumbled.

"See ya, babe!" Terra said and quickly hung up.

I groaned, dropping my phone onto the carpet floor. Today was not the day for friends. 

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