The Guardian, Naro *Chapter Five*

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When I woke up the next morning, I was surprised to find that rain nor my cellphone had pulled me away from sleep. My eyes slowly opened and the sun was filtering in through my window. This was a rare sight. It never stopped raining. I let out a loud sigh as I stretched, waking up my muscles. A smile played at my lips and the urge to get up and dance was tempting. The sunlight always seemed to warp my personality; I felt like I was high on sunshine. 

I hopped out of bed, feeling buoyancy in my body. Walking to the bathroom, I opened the door to find that it had thrown up on itself. Cosmetics, lotions, toothpaste, toilet paper, bobby pins, and other things were strewn about the floor. A rustle of movement came from under the sink. I bent down and opened the cabinet to find the culprit. Maybe a possum had ventured into the house, looking for shelter from last night's weather. 

It was no possum. But it was a pest.

Naro sat crouched in my cabinet, playing with a tampon. He looked up at me. "What is this contraption, Koda?" 

"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted, tugging him out of the cabinet by his ribbon. He plopped onto the floor, still clutching the tampon. 

"I was just exploring your room. You've got some very interesting stuff, Koda." Naro gave an innocent smile.

"Wait, did you go through my room, too?" I peered out of the bathroom and saw my room was a lot messier than it had been last night. "You nosy little-"

Naro covered my mouth with his warm hand, cutting me off. I instantly relaxed. "No need to get upset. I haven't been down on Earth in over sixty years. It's very different for me." 

I took his hand off me. "Ew, you're seventy-five years old?" 

"I stopped counting a decade ago." Naro laughed; it sounded like chimes blowing in the wind.

I ignored him and stomped off to my closet, trying to forget about the mess around me. Naro followed closely. 

"Koda, please don't be mad. You were sleeping so soundly and I didn't want to wake you up. And since I don't sleep, it gets boring in the night." He rambled on and on, making a new excuse every couple of seconds. I rummaged through my drawers, searching for my spring clothes. I finally found them wedged all the way in the back. I started to take my shirt off when I remembered that there was a boy standing inches away from me. I peeked up from my shirt to see Naro staring at my bare stomach, ogling at my seatbelt scar. 

"Ahem." I coughed. "Can you…?"

"Oh!" Naro started, looking away quickly and blushing. "I'll get out."

I dressed in peace and walked out wearing a simple tank top and some shorts. I was surprised it all still fit; Spring hadn't shown its face in ages. Naro sat atop my desk, playing with his hair, an irritated look on his face. I hadn't noticed this before but his hair was quite long for a boy; it almost touched his shoulders. He was attempting to push it up and away from his face but with no success. 

"You're not doing it right. Do you need some help?" I called, unable to watch his failing tries anymore. 

Naro looked over, his lavender eyes resting on me. His porcelain skin complimented the purple tint nicely. In a way, he looked like a china doll; he seemed so fragile. "That would be nice."

I took his arm and led him to my cluttered bathroom. I looked around, trying to locate my bobby pins. 

"I'm sorry about all of this. I should've cleaned up after myself." Naro whispered, suddenly right next to me. I felt his warm breath on my neck and shivered involuntarily. 

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