The Kill *Chapter Seven*

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Naro's POV

**and I totally got the title from 30 Seconds to Mars**

Dammit. Dammit! Where was she? 

I flew down endless streets and alleyways, my eyes searching for Koda. The sharp sting of Vexa's bite mark was finally starting to get my attention. But I couldn't stop running. I had to find Koda. What if she was sad? What if she was crying? What if she was in pain? I couldn't let her get hurt. I had made a promise to her that I would protect her through anything. And right now, I was failing. I couldn't let my second Tot slip through my fingers. No… not again.

I noticed Vexa's illusion was fading. The skies were lightening back to their normal gray and the rain was letting up. She must be growing weak from all the power she was releasing. I only had a small amount of time left before they disappeared again.

Vexa had the unmatched ability to control the weather around her. If she needed a quick tornado, she could make it happen. A wild, out-of-nowhere storm was nothing to her. So of course Jonah had picked her as his sidekick. She was the perfect distraction. And now that they had successfully gotten me away from Koda, their plan started to form in my head. Vexa was to create a storm, pull me away from Koda, temporarily immobilizing me with her vicious bite, and then take her to Jonah. How stupid was I!? I should've seen that coming; it was so simple. 

I skidded around a corner fast, and shot down another alleyway. Blood pumped through my veins and I felt Vexa's bite mark pulsate. I didn't have time to heal myself. Koda was the only thing important right now. A cool breeze drifted towards me and the smell of fresh blood stung my nose. I turned in the direction and to my horror, I finally found Koda.

Now I wished I hadn't. It was a horrible sight. She lay motionless on the ground, a small pool of blood surrounding her head. It had stained her charcoal locks and had tainted her pearly skin. I could only sense a faint, slow heartbeat coming from her. Jonah was crouched next to Koda, stroking her as if she was a prized possession. He stared at her, completely mesmerized. Vexa stood tall beside him, an evil grin plastered across her face. 

Vexa was known for her feline-like attributes. She had a wild mass of silver hair atop her head that frizzed easily, big, buttery-yellow catlike eyes, and bronze skin that glistened and showed off her toned, flexible body. She had claws for fingernails that could prove fatal and moved in a gracious dance. Vexa not only could manipulate the weather, but she had quite a lethal bite. She was a killing machine. 

"Looks like you finally showed," Jonah said, spotting me from down the alley. "But you're a bit late."

I slowly came forward, trying my best not to show the throbbing pain that was coursing through me. Vexa howled with laughter. 

"Hiding your pain only makes it worse." 

I ignored her and stumbled over to Koda. Jonah didn't move away. 

Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open slightly. Somehow, her skin looked even whiter than it usually did; she was turning my color. Through her hair, I could see a deep gash in her head, most likely the source of all the blood. Her breathing was notably shallow and her pulse was moving at turtle-speed. 

"It's too late to save her," Jonah answered the question that I was too afraid to face. "She's already fading to the light. Looks like you lost another one."

I turned to Jonah and his fiery eyes dug into my own. I felt nothing; his ability had no effect on me.

"What did you do to her?" I growled.

"I cut her soul," He replied in a monotone. He showed no emotion. "In other words, I took the beat from her heart. I took the inhale from her exhale."

In a fit of anger, I smacked Jonah across the face. I knew it wouldn't do any harm, but the need to inflict pain on him was overwhelming. He staggered back, hitting the ground. Vexa jumped in front of him like a bodyguard.

"Hurting me is not going to save her." Jonah stated. He was right.

I lifted her lifeless body up, feeling the coldness of her skin. With my hand, I pressed down on her head where the cut was and let my body warmth leave me and enter her. A morsel of life returned to her face but instantly dissipated. 

"Like I said, it's too late," Jonah said, crawling to his feet. Vexa stood beside him, silently laughing. "Koda will end up just like Hazel."

I cringed, the memory of little Hazel flickering in my mind. Vexa hooted; she must have been enjoying the look of remorse on my face.

I kept up my attempt to save Koda. But even I knew I couldn't. My healing abilities only worked on external damage, not internal. I was unable to fix her soul and save her from the clutches of death. Reality hurt even more than Vexa's bite. I buried my face in Koda's sleeve, refusing to let Jonah see my tears. 

I had failed my higher authorities. I had failed my family back home. I had failed my fellow Guardians. I had failed Aunt Charlotte. I had failed Ryder and Terra. And most of all, I had failed Koda. The thought of leaving her was unbearable. I had watched her grow up for so long. I had witnessed her childhood. I had seen her laugh and cry. I had been with her for all her highs and lows. And secretly, I had fallen in love with her. When I had been assigned to her, it had been the happiest day of my life. To think that after all the hours spent on examining her sleep patterns and noting all her favorite things would finally pay off. She had been my little obsession and as we aged side by side, I always daydreamed of us becoming friends and then, lovers. Koda was the only reason I wished to be mortal once again. Koda was my everything. So losing her was like losing me.

"Is somebody crying?" Vexa taunted. "You brought this on yourself."

"Jonah," I spoke as calmly as I could, raising my head off of Koda's shoulder. "You knew I loved her. So, why?"

I noticed him hesitate. Was the great and powerful Jonah showing another side to him? 

"You don't deserve love, brother." He spat. I let my mouth drop. Vexa gasped and turned to face him. 

"Brother!?" She shrieked. "You're related to this mutt!?" 

Jonah's hands curled into fists and anger flashed across his face. I waited for an insult towards me or a kick to the side but nothing came. 

"Let's go, Vexa." He muttered and with that, they vanished, leaving me in the dark, deserted alleyway with Koda. 

I set her down gently and placed my hands on the pulsing, bleeding bite mark that was right on my calf. The healing process was quick but I had other things to worry about. Koda's  heartbeat was diminished to almost nothing. She was no longer breathing. 

Had I really lost her?

The Teddy Bearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें