The Revival *Chapter Eight*

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Yes, Koda's full name is Kodako. In case you haven't figured out how to say her name it is pronounced Co-duh and her full name is said like Co-duh-co. Got it? Good!

It was white. I couldn’t think of any other way to describe it. I felt like I was stuck on a blank canvas. I couldn’t tell if I was falling or floating. But a strange sensation was bubbling in me, making me feel light and feathery. Was this my imagination? Was this real life? Suddenly, I was blinded by an incredibly bright light.

And then I saw them. Two figures gliding towards me, hand in hand, warm smiles on their faces. I rubbed my eyes. Could it really be them? I stepped forward eagerly, reaching my hand out. It brushed against what felt like a shoulder. I felt a hand wrap around my own and suddenly I was face to face with my mother.

“Hello, Koda.” Her melodious voice pushed me back into my childhood. I reached up to touch her face and felt the familiar scar that was hidden across her left cheek. I searched her sea-green eyes and was immediately swept up in their beauty, as I used to when I was a kid. Her honey hair glowed. Her freckly skin radiated.

“M-mom?” I stuttered, silent tears rolling down my face. I couldn’t believe it. It was really her. She pulled me into a hug and I burst into tears, crying happily into her sleeve.A hearty chuckle sounded from behind me and I looked up, snotty and teary-eyed. My father stood inches away, staring at me with a loving glint in his chocolate brown eyes. His jet-black hair was cut short and I had forgotten how aged he looked. I pulled him into the hug and I exhaled for the first time in what felt like years.

We stood there in the white abyss, embracing for what felt like a lifetime. I was so happy. I hadn't felt like this since before their death. I never wanted to move but my mom and dad both pulled away to look at me once more.

“You’ve grown so much, Kodako,” My mother said. I blushed when she used my full name. “You’re not the young, ditzy girl we used to know.”

“And look how beautiful you’ve gotten!” My dad bellowed, brushing his hand against my burning cheek.

“Mom, Dad,” My face darkened. I had no idea how to ask this even though I'd worded it in my head a thousand times before. "Why…why did you have to leave me?"

“It’s all part of a plan, my dear; a plan that you couldn't possibly understand yet.” He replied.

My mother nodded gravely. “I’m sorry, Koda. And if we even tried to tell you, we wouldn’t have enough time.”

Suddenly everything came rushing back: Ryder's confession, the random storm, Naro's disappearance, Vexa's attack, Jonah's eyes. 

“What happened?” I asked. My parents exchanged a glance.

“You are dead. This is the entrance to Heaven. Jonah killed you.” My mother said, her voice calm and straight-forward.

My mouth dropped. I was…dead? But what about all the things I hadn’t done yet? I was still a virgin! 

"What!?" I cried, becoming frantic. "But Naro! And Aunt Charlotte!"

"Calm down, sweetie," My dad soothed me. "You're not completely gone from Earth yet. Jonah's cut wasn't accurate on your soul. You still have a chance to live." 

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"We just took this opportunity to come and see you and tell you some things. You're going to make it, Koda," My mom said. "Look, you're already beginning to disappear from Heaven."

I looked down and sure enough, my body was slowly crumbling away, falling back down to Earth.

"Honey," My dad started. "We're sorry that we had to leave you at such a young age. I know you've been scarred by it but it's just something that will make you stronger in the end. We've kept a close eye on you ever since our death. We never wanted to leave you, but we have another purpose in life and so do you. You need to move on and be a happy person again."

"That's why we sent Naro to you," My mother said. "Naro is who he says he is. He is your Guardian and we picked him out specially. He's perfect for you and believe it or not, he's watched you your whole life. He knows everything about you and would do anything for you." 

Naro had watched me my whole life? It was a bit creepy to think he'd been up there the whole time, spying on me. But in a way, it was sweet. I had known right away that we had some sort of connection and I felt as if I could trust him.

"Koda, even though Naro is by your side, it's your job to stay alive and destroy Jonah. If you don't, he's just going to keep trying to kill you," My dad warned. "We know you can do it and we'll be watching the whole time."

Slowly, I began sinking; it was like being sucked into a vacuum cleaner. I was shrinking down, down, down and my parents were getting smaller and smaller. I reached out for them, not wanting to leave.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted.

"We'll see you again, Koda!" My father called.

"We love you!" My mother yelled. 

And with that, they were gone and I was falling. I felt cold air being sucked backed into me. I smelled the strong odor of blood. I tasted the saltiness of my dried lips. I felt the warmth of flesh rubbing up against me. I heard the muffled cries of someone. My eyes popped open and I took in the dark, gloomy world that surrounded me. I was back on Earth. A horrific pain came from my head and I groaned in agony. 

"Koda?" Naro's startled voice was right next to my ear.

"My head hurts," I whined. "Fix it."

There was a long silence and I looked up at Naro. His lilac eyes had darkened to a violet shade and tears were dripping down his face. He was staring passionately at me. There was dried blood on his cheeks and hands. What had he been up to?

"What?" I asked. "Do I have something on my face?" 

A grin broke across his face and he pulled me into a hug. It hurt so badly, I yelped in pain. Naro pulled back but his smile stayed.

"Did I not heal your head all the way? Here, I can do that now." He pressed his hand to one side of my scalp and pushed down gently. A tingly warmth spread throughout me, reaching all the way to my toes. The throbbing pain I was feeling slowly began to melt away. What was Naro doing?

"I'm a healer, if you haven't already guessed." He answered for me.

He took his hand away and only a dull ache remained. I couldn't help but smile. I had cheated death and I felt great.

"Guess who's awesome?" I grinned. "I am!"

Naro burst out laughing. 

"After being attacked by two powerful Takers and dying, you still manage to say something like that. You're something else, Koda Anston. You really are." Naro said and once again, pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged him back, feeling his body heat stretch across me; it was heavenly. There was nobody else I wanted to be with more than Naro. We had really bonded and it had only been a couple of days. It felt like years to me. I had never felt like this towards anybody. Maybe Naro was just special. I didn't know how to describe this fuzzy feeling I had towards him, but I knew it was there and it was growing.

"Let's get home." I said, not releasing our hug. 

"That sounds nice." Naro replied and with one swift move, he was suddenly carrying me. We vanished from the alleyway and somewhere in the middle of our travel, I fell asleep in his arms.

This will be my last update for a while. I'm going out of town. I should be back on Sunday and expect an update on Monday or Tuesday. Ciao!

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