The Confession *Chapter Six*

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"Naro, are you listening to me?" I called from my room. Naro was inside my newly cleaned bathroom, fixing his hair.

"Oh, yeah!" He quickly slid the last pin into his hair and leapt out, landing right next to me. "What's up, buttercup?"

"Don't ever say that to me again," I glared at him. He smiled. "And I don't see why you're primping yourself. I'm the one going to school, not you."

"I know, but this is exciting for me! I haven't been back to school in ages." Naro continued to ramble on about chalkboards while I rubbed my eyes vigorously. I had gotten about three hours of sleep last night. Naro had woken me up at four in the morning to alert me that he was going back to "dispose" of the body. I couldn't sleep a wink after that. The image of little Naro killing a human was quite disturbing. Even though the perpetrator had tried to rape me, I didn't think death was the right punishment for him. But I didn't argue. And without Naro in my bed, it grew cold and I shivered the whole night away, constantly thinking about what he was doing.

Without knowing it, Naro was beginning to grow on me. He did everything I told him to and always seemed to be there when I needed him. If it wasn't for him, I would be dead. But I refused to oblige this. He didn't need the satisfaction of knowing that I was letting him in to my life, inch by inch. And to think he'd penetrated my shield so easily was beyond me. I decided to believe that maybe he was sent from Heaven to protect me. It wasn't completely far fetched, was it? 

"I think we need to go through the rules again," I said after he was finally done. "We can't be too safe."

"Sure." He replied. 

"While I'm at school, I can't talk to you. I can't even look at you. I have to act like you're not even there. You can't talk, touch, or try to get my attention in any way. I don't want anything happening to me that would look suspicious. Got it?" 

He sighed loudly. "Fine."

"And try to behave. You can wander around and what not, but you have to leave me alone," I stared intently into his lavender eyes. He gave a nod. "Alright, let's get going."

"Koda! Koda!" Terra's shrill voice rolled down the school hallway and I turned around to see her running towards me, dragging Ryder with her. 

"Here we go." I grumbled and forced a smile. Naro laughed softly. 

Ryder and Terra stopped next to me and I was immediately forced into a conversation about the new hot juniors. I didn't mention the incident yesterday to them; no need to worry them about unnecessary things.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ryder fidgeting impatiently. Terra's arm was still wrapped around his. Maybe if Terra kept up her secret crush on Ryder, he would forget about me and go for Terra. She was cute. She had nice boobs. That's all Ryder could ask for, right? 

The bell rang and we all scampered off to class. I turned around to give Naro one last glance but he was already gone. Good. Maybe he'd decided to go exploring after all.

"Good morning, class," Mr. Hendricks announced as we all got settled. "Let's begin our lesson."

The first half of school dragged slowly. I robotically moved from class to class, not picking up on anything that was happening. Ryder gave me brief summaries of each class and handed me extra notes he'd copied. Terra filled me in on the class gossip and told me all about the upcoming plans she had for the three of us. It was just like every other school day; dull. When lunch came around, I was starving. I still hadn't seen Naro and was wondering what he could possibly be doing. 

"Koda," Ryder's voice came from behind me as we waited in the lunch line. "I'm a bit worried about you. After the movie thing, you seemed really shaken up. Was it about the person you saw outside?" He was hesitating.

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