Chapter Nineteen

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"No" Lily's tone saddened "He's gotten worse since you left, I have an AVO out against him now"

"What? Since when?" Natalie was horrified.

"Since he moved into the apartment above us and used cctv footage from here" Natalie eyebrows raised as Lily explained the torment Blake had been putting her through "Not to mention the endless flowers and texts"

"Oh Honey why didn't you say anything, I would have come home sooner" Natalie hugged Lily again.

"I didn't want to ruin your adventure, besides Anna's been here" Lily smiled weakly.

"Yeah I guess, so have you told Ryan about it?" Natalie wondered.

"Yeah, Ryan's kinda been caught up in all the crazy" Lily sighed as she looked over at a picture of her and Ryan on her notice board.

"How did he take it?"

"He's been amazing, really supportive. To be honest it's been great just having someone in my life who genuinely cares about me. What you see is what you get with Ryan"

"And it helps that he is so damn hot" Natalie grinned cheekily "Did you want to grab a bite to eat? My treat, give us chance to catch up"

"I'm sorry I can't I am meeting Ryan for dinner" Lily felt bad, but she didn't want to cancel her plans with Ryan "We could meet up for a few drinks afterwards though if you want?"

"Yeah perfect, that sounds good to me" Natalie smiled "Call me when you are done and we'll meet up, maybe you could see if Anna wants to join us too"

"Yeah okay" Lily was more than happy to meet up with her friend after dinner with Ryan "Hey could you just call my cell phone for me" Natalie frowned but pulled her phone out her pocket and dialled Lily's number. Her phone vibrated from inside the desk drawer "Thanks honey, I would have been here all night looking for that" Lily couldn't remember leaving the phone in her drawer, but she tried not to think about it too much. She didn't want to make Natalie suspicious.


Ryan had been waiting a while for Lily, his eyes widened as he looked up and saw her walk in. She had changed since he last saw her, she wasn't wearing her shorts and white string shirt. Now she was wearing a black dress, black and beige coloured leather jacket and a pair of black ankle boots "Wow you look amazing"

"Thanks, sorry I took a while. I bumped into an old friend" Lily grinned widely as she took her jacket off, Ryan stood up and kissed her before siting back down in his chair "Well actually she came to the studio, you've heard me talk about Natalie...?"

"The best friend who went travelling?" Ryan guessed correctly, which proved to Lily how observant he was...she was impressed.

"Yeah well she is back in town" Lily smiled.

"Oh wow brilliant, you should meet up with her" Ryan drank some water from his glass.

"I have kind of planned to meet her after dinner...just for a few drinks. You don't mind do you?" Lily spoke quickly.

"No course not, it'll do you good spending time with your friends. I have a few jobs to do later anyway" Ryan replied, Lily frowned.

"What kind of jobs?" She questioned curiously.

"Now if I told you that I'd have to kill you" Ryan teased, he loved winding Lily up.

"Ryan seriously, tell me?" Lily whined.

"Can I take your order please?" A waiter interrupted them "Oh my god are you Ryan Tedder...I'm sorry of course you are" the waiter mumbled.

"It's fine" Ryan smiled humbly.

"Forgive me" the waiter was practically shaking "I'm am such a huge fan I have followed you on my space for years and think you are all amazing. Oh wow, erm sorry...what would you like...oh man this is crazy"

Ryan tried not to laugh at this poor young guy, he was obviously very nervous to be around him "Could I get the lobster please?" Ryan smiled.

"Of course, and for you" the waiter turned to Lily "Erm fillet steak please, rare"

"Of course" the waiter clumsily picked up the menus and rushed off.

"Oh man" Ryan chuckled once he was out of sight "I hope he's gonna be okay bringing our food out"

Lily looked to be in a world of her own "Lily, baby?" Ryan reached forwards and touched Lily's hand. She jumped half a mile as she felt his skin on hers.

"SHIT" she cried "I'm sorry, what did you say I was mile away"

"Yeah I saw that" Ryan frowned "Is everything okay Lil?"

"Yeah fine, I'm just thinking about work that's all" Lily lied, Ryan nodded but wasn't convinced with her answer.

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