Diana left as soon as the dinner was over, deciding not to stay to finish the remaining wine which surprised Kirstie, she would have thought she would have wanted to stay around Avi as long as possible but apparently that wasn't the case. She was relieved that she was gone, her presence that night had just been a constant reminder of how imperfect she was, how she wasn't good enough for her immaculate boyfriend.

Avi returned into the dining room shaking his head with an adorable smirk on his face and she immediately thought the worst - what had they been up to while they were saying goodbye that had made him so amused? However the reason was not the one she was expecting, far from it in fact.

"She was trying to play footsie with me under the table but I kicked her so I think she got the message. I doubt she wanted to stay and watch us being all couple-ly in front of her. Sorry you had to see that, she was all over me." He chuckled sheepishly as he poured them both some more wine, careful to pour her a little more than normal to quell the queasy look that had been lingering on her face all evening.

Although hearing that she wasn't making up what she sensed between him and Diana and that Avi stopped her pursuit of him, the feeling of unease that she had been feeling ever since the encounter earlier that day had not gone away; the feeling that she wasn't valuable enough for him was still looming over her.

She took the wine from him without looking at him, choosing instead to stare at her sleeping dog in the corner of the room and murmur a reply quietly. "I thought it was just my imagination."

He could sense there was something wrong with her from her reply, she had been too distant all night for something not to be wrong but he suspected her mood would have gone the moment Diana had left his company which apparently it had not. Avi knew better than to confront her about it though, if she wanted to talk about it she would start up a conversation or at the very least hint to him that she wanted to have it out. Instead all he could do was carry on as normal.

"I don't know what's gotten into her, she used to be so cool and down to earth. Now she's just some spoilt brat that can't keep her hands to herself..." He stated, trying his hardest to calm her down by voicing his dislike to Diana's actions that evening. It was sad how much she had changed, she used to be so much fun and full of so much love and wonder, now money and ambition was all she seemed to care about. Before he had gotten famous from being Kirstie's boyfriend, she hadn't sent him a text in years but the moment it was announced he had been signed to a major label she suddenly can out of the woodwork. He should have realised it the instant he got her text but he supposed he always saw the good in people, even when there wasn't much good left to see.

"That's the business alright, it changes us all." Even she was shocked at how melancholy she sounded, she never realised how much the days events had affected her until just then. Kirstie knew she should never had let the fan's words get to her, she thought external forces on their relationship were things of the past but she guessed old habits died hard. Maybe there was some truth to it after all?

"But you're perfect." He leaned in to kiss her cheek before picking up the last of the plates to take into the kitchen.

She wasn't though, she knew it and the fan at the stage door that afternoon certainly knew it too. It was only a matter of time until he realised and left her.

The moment he returned to the room she wearily spoke up, "you should have followed her, you two would be great together." She wanted to say it before he had a chance to do it himself, at least that would soften the blow.

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