Hold Back The River

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Sorry about the late update, if you follow me on twitter or instagram then you will already know my weekend has just been a partying mess! Safe to say I wasn't in a good state to be writing anything.

*This is some honeymoon period Kavi so excuse the slight out-of-character-ness. *


"So you have to type everything in 140 characters?"

It was a few days after the interruption at the theatre and the two were on the train attempting to set Avi up a twitter account while struggling from being underground. Things had begun to die down since they were forced out to the public, the general opinion was still a negative one but there were less people being vocal about it which was something. The interruption at the theatre turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Many news outlets had picked up on what had happened and the man had been publicly shamed; he served as a reminder to her fans just how out of hand some of them could be.

Avi, even though he was uncomfortable at the comments that were sent his way, was ecstatic at the amount of attention his music was being given. Everyone who was anyone flocked to his website to have a listen to the guy who was the original cause of the infamous interruption and there was even a few emails being sent to him from so low end record companies. It wasn't much really but for someone who was used to their biggest audience being the remains of a drunken stag party on a night train, it was new and exciting.

"Yes." Kirstie looked up at her boyfriend from the phone he was holding. The two had decided that the next move was for Avi to become more prolific online since they figured all this backlash wouldn't have happened if people knew who he was, not just as a musician but as a person too. If they knew the real Avi, the rumours about him being an abusive menace would never have happened.

While he did agree that having somewhere to voice himself online was a good idea, he could not for the life of him wrap his head around Twitter. Kirstie had been attempting to teach him since they got on the train to head over to Scott's birthday party and so far she had only managed to learn him how to navigate the app. "Why? What's the point in that?"

"I don't know - to be precise I would presume. Maybe they wanted a gimmick?" She said with a shrug and looked up at him with a smile. For some strange reason, the train was significantly emptier than usual for a Monday evening so the two had been able to get seats for once and both of them were reeling from being close again. Since the incident, the two had been inseparable, only leaving each other's presence for work or to go meet friends.

"It's stupid." He muttered and furrowed his brow, he was preoccupied with trying to remember what she had taught him.

"Just try it." She placed her hand on his shoulder and rested her head on top of it, observing his adorable concentration face.

"Eugh fine - what should my first twitter be?" Avi reluctantly agreed and took a moment to remember how to post something. Kirstie gave him a miniature round of applause for him when he had correctly navigated himself to the correct section of the app.

"That's for you to decided - oh and it's tweet. You write a tweet." She pushed the hair from his face before turning away from him to give him space to think of what he was going say.

"Right." He nodded in recognition and began to pull his beard racking his brain for what he wanted to tweet.

The two fell into silence as Avi thought about what he wanted his first tweet to the world to be. Avi though about saying something in regards to Scott since it was his birthday party after all but he didn't want to be misread as being mean and sarcastic. He wanted to tweet about Kirstie, about how dearly he cared for her, about how beautiful she was but he could not sum his feelings up into such a little amount of words and wanted to avoid sounding like he was rubbing it in. Avi settled on tweeting about food - who doesn't love food after all, but he still had no idea what to write about his favourite subject.

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