Guiding Light

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Long time, no see, huh?

Here, have a bit of angst as an 'I'm sorry for my absence' gift.


To say Avi was nervous would be an understatement. He was petrified. Totally Ron Weasley facing a pit full of spiders scared. If he remembered to think rationally, he would tell himself that telling Kirstie his news would not make her think any differently about him. She loved him and one little slip up wouldn't change that....But people never were rational in these kind of situations, especially concerning matters of the heart.

Nervously, he fumbled with the key to their now joint apartment (probably something they wouldn't be sharing soon after she hears his predicament and things take a turn for the worse), dropping the item a few times before he managed to securely fit the key into the lock and opened the door.

From the moment the door opened, Toto was quickly scurrying to greet him, overjoyed to see that his beloved friend had returned to him after hours of wondering where he had gone. Usually the sight of the small dog waddling over to him would have been a comfort but the presence of a leash around his collar and the small amount of mud that was matted into his paws threw him off... Kirstie was home.

Sure enough, within a few seconds behind Toto, Kirstie had made her way over to the door to greet him and without noticing the troubled expression on his face she leant up to kissed him.

"Hey!" She giggled in her usually upbeat tone, still unaware of the stormy mood of her boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped anxiously, instantly regretting his words. She had shocked him, but that was no way to talk to the person he loved.

"It's Monday, I never have a show on a Monday...oh and nice to see you too!" Kirstie huffed, crossed her arms across her chest and backed away from him clearly seeing an argument coming.

"I didn't expect to see you." He stuttered out while trying to reach out to hold her, desperate for the situation to not head where he was expecting it to go.

She pulled away from him, ensuring that he got the message that she was feeling uncomfortable. She knew him too well to know that something was wrong, there was no way he could lie his way through this. "We have plans tonight remember? Monday night is always date night." She murmured.

He didn't want to imagine what must of been going on in her head, he knew how obvious he was when something was troubling him, so instead he resorted to sheepishly looking at the floor and forcing out an apology.

"What is wrong with you?" She warned. If it was serious, she wanted him to get it out in the open as soon as possible. Sometimes even actresses hated suspense.

"I have a lot on my mind."

"Well so do I but it's no excuse to be rude." She replied quietly, not wanting to raise her voice until she understood fully what was going on. If it was something that wasn't his fault she'd fell terrible for shouting at him.

"Sorry." He gulped, bringing his head up and gave her the eye contact she so desperately wanted.

"Stop saying that!" Kirstie grumbled at him, unbelievably annoyed at Avi's infamous numerous apologies, "what's on your mind that's so important?"

"David had a proposition for me and it's kinda been on my mind all day." He spoke the line just like he had rehearsed it over and over again in his head. 

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