"You made that sound more inappropirate then it needed to be" I said laughing.

"You know, I wouldn't mind teaching you a few things" He says with a huge smirk on his face as he walks closer to me.

"Woah there Tiger, don't get your hopes up" I said laughing.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to deflect a fire ball" He said walking into the woods.

"Wait what?! Did you just say fire ball?!" I shouted trailing after him.


We spent the whole day working on my magic and I was dead beat tired.

"Ok, now just catch it...don't be scared, just focus, absorb the magic...don't try to push it away or it'll burn you" He says calmly. I nod and get ready.

He manifests a flaming ball of fire into his hands and throws it at me. As if it was second nature I reached my hand out to catch it. I caught it but it burned my hand. I screamed and tossed it away, caresses my hand.
"Are you ok?!" Peter shouted running over to me.

"Fine" I hissed clutching my hand in pain. I sat down as Peter kneeled next to me.

"Let me see" He said. I reluctantly gave him my burnt hand. He used magic to conjure up a gonze. He wrapped my hand up gently. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my hand.

"There...it should be better by tomorrow" He whispers looking up into my eyes. I look down into his forest green eyes, mesmerized by them.

"You are so beautiful...." He whispers.

I blush at his words and look down at the ground.

"No, I'm not" I mumble.

"Yes Princess you are, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen..." He says helping me to my feet.

"And how many girls have you seen?" I asked.

"Too many" He says with a sad sigh.

"Peter...have you ever been in love before?" I asked.

"Once...a long time ago..." He sighs.

"What does it feel like?" I ask looking up into his eyes.

"A lot like this...warm, safe, sweet" He whispers moving closer to me.

"Peter, I don't know if I can do this..." I whisper.

"I think you do know...your just scared" He says cupping my cheek with his hand.

"So what if I am?" I whisper.

"Then i'll keep you safe...I promise" He says cupping both of my cheeks. My hands were stuck into between his chest and mine.

"How can I trust you?" I ask my eyes darting between his lips and eyes.

"You don't have to trust me, just believe in me" He says. Then in what felt like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, he kissed me.

His lips we're so soft, but rough...what...what...what was happening.

"I love you" A curly haird boy whispered giving me one more kiss. I watched him die infront of me.

"I have to protect here!" I shouted sword fighting two guards at once.

"Bae...what are you..." Then he kissed me...my bestfriend...kissed me...

"Don't trust him!"

"How do I know you aren't like the rest of the girls that come here?"

"Too many"


"My mom's friend is a wolf..."

So many thoughts we're swimming in my head all because of that kiss.

I pushed Peter's chest as hard as I could.

"Peter stop!" I shouted tears in my eyes.

"Princess don't..."

"I said STOP!" I yelled tossing my arms out angrily.

Doing so a burst a white light burst from my body, hitting Peter square in the chest. He fell back and hit a tree so hard I could hear a crack.

"Peter!" I shouted about to run over to him, but I stopped myself before I hurt him anymore.

"I'm fine..." He groaned sitting up and touching the back of his head. He brought his hand forward, his fingers covered in blood.

"I'm sorry" I cried. I move my hands in a circle in front of me and teleported to the only place I knew Peter wouldn't look for me.

Skull Rock

A/N: Sorry they are so short but I'm trying to do a chapter a day so it should be too long a wait :)

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