My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13

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Arnav drove extremely fast with precision towards Aman's house - the safest place for Khushi. For now.

He knew they couldn't stay there for any more than a day and he would need to find a safer place for her soon. But that could wait. First he needed to make sure that Khushi was alright. If anything happened to Khushi, he could never live with himself.

As soon as he reached the house, he lifted Khushi onto his shoulder and pressed the bell a few times, looking around cautiously to see if there was anyone watching them. And luckily there was no one around.

Sheetal opened the door to find Arnav carrying an unconscious Khushi - just like two days ago.

Without a word Arnav dashed up the stairs with Khushi and laid her down on the bed in the guestroom. He could explain to Sheetal later - Khushi was his priority at the moment.

He immediately took the water jug by the table and sprinkled water on Khushi's face with force, hoping that she would get up. He was continuously calling her name simultaneously, trying to get a response out of her. The first few times, she didn't show any signs of getting back her consciousness, and seeing this Arnav felt like someone was squeezing his heart tighter and tighter, making him feel like he was unable to breathe.

But after a few tries, Khushi's eyes twitched under her eyelids, giving Arnav a tiny speck of hope.

"Khushi?! Khushi talk to me! Khushi! Open your eyes Khushi! Khushi!" he called out desperately.

At first, Khushi didn't respond. But a few seconds later, "A... A... Ar... Arnav... ji..." called Khushi.

At that moment Arnav felt like a starved child who was given a bowl of food after months. "Khushi!" Arnav called out in relief, finally able to breathe. He couldn't help but engulf her into a hug as she laid there on the bed. "I'm here Khushi. I'm here. Everything's alright Khushi. Everything's alright," Arnav kept repeating. He didn't know whether he was assuring Khushi or himself.

These few minutes were hell for Arnav. He knew how fragile she was, and that she gets scared easily in these sorts of situations - especially since her parents' accident. He knew how shaken up she would have been after everything that had happened today. And he was the sole reason for it all. He hadn't taken care of her properly. He hadn't protected her from Dadi and even with the goons, he hadn't interfered earlier. The guilt was killing him. And when he saw Khushi unconscious, he felt all the worst. If he let anything happen to Khushi, he could never live with it. He lived with that guilt once in the case of his mother, but with Khushi... he would die if anything happened to her.

On seeing Khushi fit and fine, he felt as though his life was given back to him.

On the other hand, Khushi felt disorientated when she heard someone calling out her name - she felt very unsettled in the back of her mind. As she started to hear the voice with more clarity, her mind also started to remember the events of the day. As she remembered the goons, and that unknown man, she started to call for Arnavji. He was her only hope. She felt like her voice box was stuck, but she gradually managed to call out to him.

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