My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue

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Running wasn't anything new for me - that's why my Buaji calls me Sanka Devi - because I always run around playing pranks on everyone! But if someone had told me I would be running for my life one day - LITERALLY - I would never have believed them. I mean why would anyone be pushed to a situation where their life is in danger when all they do is run around the house munching on jalebis, or sit down for hours making jabelis for a living?! Well apparently it can happen and I don't think I have any doubts on that now, as I ran for my life as fast as my legs would take me.

I turned back to see a load of goons chasing after me and they were getting too close for comfort. I turned back and ran faster - if that was even possible at the pace I was going. Normally I wasn't one to give up, but as I saw the empty bridge without a single soul on it, I felt a sense of doom engulf me. As I felt them nearing me, I felt my end coming for me. I would have rather died than getting caught by those intimidating men, with God knows what horrible intentions!

I rushed for the railings on the bridge and looked down upon the water below. One look back at the men and I had made my decision. At that moment, the only thought in my head was that I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to my Jiji and Buaji.

And then... I jumped.

Hey guys, my name is Amira and I'm a new writer on Wattpad. In case any of you recognise this part or plot and think I'm copying Hibahah96's arshi ff, let me tell you that I am not copying because this is MY work and she has copied my work and posted it as her own with a different title. I found this out today by one of my readers and so I am posting this so I'm posting my story here myself to avoid more plagiarism.

My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arshi FF)  - Complete ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt