My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1

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  A pair of caramel orbs... That's the first thing I saw when I woke up - a pair of caramel orbs staring back at me with an emotion which looked something close to... concern? I felt like those eyes were the most captivating eyes in the whole world. I could feel myself getting lost in their depths, bewitched by their warmth. I don't know how long we were looking at each other for, but it was only a good few minutes later that I came back to my senses and looked around to find myself in an unfamiliar room, with a complete stranger looking at me with a... blank expression? Had I imagined those moments when I had lost myself in the warmth of those eyes? Had I imagined that caring look in those eyes? Surely not... but looking back at those eyes now, I saw nothing - absolutely no emotion. Those molten caramel eyes which had captivated me with their warmth no longer held any friendliness whatsoever.

After a few seconds of thought I decided to finally have a proper look at this person with mood swings as quick as the colour change of a chameleon. He was the definition of perfection! He had a tall, lean body with broad shoulders and enough muscle to warn you of his strength, but not too much to make him look massive. His face had a fair complexion, with features screaming out perfection -even the small scar on his left eye couldn't do anything to change that. His khaki police uniform made him look even more magnificent. And of course last but not least, his molten caramel eyes were...

I was jolted out of my reverie when I saw a glass of water extended towards me. I only realised then, how thirsty I had been. I took the glass gratefully and sipped the water, looking up at this magnificent, mysterious stranger occasionally. It was only when I nearly finished the glass that I realised that I had been so preoccupied in analysing this man that I had completely forgotten about the day's events! 

And then all the memories hit me with full force. The goons, the bridge, the helplessness, and finally the jump. After that everything became blurry... I vaguely remembered hearing another splash after I had jumped in - but hardly anything registered in my head because I was panicking with the knowledge that I couldn't swim. I had felt warm hands encasing me as I drifted off into darkness - my last thought being that the warmth of those hands felt very similar to that of my mother's. 

"Wh-," my voice came out as a croak as I tried to speak. I tried again, "Who are you? And... where am I?" I questioned him. He didn't answer me and I was suddenly aware of what I was wearing. I was wearing jeans and a kurta top - something which definitely didn't belong to me. I felt the panic seeping in, as I realised what a big mess I could be in! Could he be one of those men who had chased me? Could he be one of those horrible goon/policemen that they showed in those movies? And then another question threw me off even further! Had he... had he... had he... changed my clothes?! Has he seen me in that way?! Was I even safe with this man?! Just because he was good looking - it didn't necessarily mean he was going to be a hero did it? I mean, after all there are so many good looking villains like Sonu Sood too... Could it be that he was the villain in my life! Hai Devi Maiyaa! Raksha karna! Hum aajse Buajike kehnepe gharka saare kaam khud karenge! Kisike gaadiki enginemein shakkar nahi daalenge! Hum jalebiyaan khaana bandh karenge - nahi nahi, hum jalebi khaana bandh nahi karsakthehain, lekin aajse hum ek din mein pachaas jalebiyaan se ek bhi jalebi zyaada nahi khaayenge! Hume bachaiye Devi Maiyaa! (Devi Maiyaa! Protect me! I will do all of the house work as Buaji says. I won't ever put sugar in anyone's car engine! I will even stop eating Jalebis - actually no no, I can't stop eating jalebis but from today I will eat no more than 50 jalebis in a day! Please save me Devi Maiya!) 

"Kya bhadbadaarihi ho? (What are you muttering?) ," the stranger asked in a deep voice. I hadn't even realised that I had started to murmer in my tensed state. It was only a few seconds after he spoke that I realised that he had... spoken! He had finally said something! I looked up to see him looking at me as though he was looking at some kind of weird alien. But Khushi Kumari Gupta was too tensed to be lost in his voice, or worry about embarrassment. I realised that I couldn't act weak in front of him. I had to be strong - I thought of all the Salman Khan movies I had watched, trying to recall his fight moves. I had to make Salman proud - being a fan I had to be able to defend myself! I was remembering how to tackle an attacker when the stranger took a deep breath as though preparing himself.

"Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta," he started. What?! How in the world did he know my name?! Definitely a villain stalker - I'm almost certain now that he has been stalking me, secretly gathering all my information and attacking when I least expected it. How else would he have known my name?! Hai Devi Maiyya why does this happen to me? "Tum yeh bhadbhadaana bandh karogi?! (Will stop muttering?!) ," he exclaimed, looking extremely annoyed. I hadn't realised that I had been talking out loud in my nervousness, and I shut my mouth after his outburst. "Look, I'm Arnav Singh Raizada, the police officer who has been assigned to your case- "

"CASE???!!! Kya case?! Kiska case?! Maine koi case nahi diya!!(CASE???!!!What case?! Whose case?! I haven't given any case!!) " I exclaimed. What case was he talking about? My family has never even stepped into a police station and he's talking about some case - and that too about me! My doubts were getting confirmed further and further. I was sure he was trying to trick me so that I would believe him and fall into his trap. But he didn't know he was dealing with Khushi Kumari Gupta here. I would never fall into his trap. What did he think? He could tell me he was a police officer coming to save a damsel in distress, and then he could hand me over to the villain? No way. 

"Listen Miss Khu-," he started again.

"Nahi nahi nahi! Aapko kya lagta hai? Hum aapke baat itne aasaanise maanenge? Hum Khushi Kumari Gupta hai or aap hume itne aasaanise dhokha nahi de sakthe. Jab humne koi complainhi nahi ki, thoh case kahaanse aayega? Hume aappar bilkul bi bharosa nahi hai aur hum yahaan aapke saath ek pal keliye bhi nahi rukhnaa jaathe hain! (No no no! What did you think? I will easily believe what you say? I'm Khushi Kumari Gupta and you can't fool me very easily. When I haven't even filed any complaints, where will the case come from? I don't trust you at all and I don't want to stay with you for even a second more!) "

With that I got off the bed and walked briskly with my head held up high, towards the door on my left. Phew! Thank Devi Maiyya that I escaped out of that situation! Well handled Khushi,' I mentally patted myself. I was about to open the door when suddenly a hand grabbed me from behind and I felt myself being turned around harshly, to come face to face with a not so happy Arnav Singh Raizada, who was standing there with his jaw tightened and his eyes spitting fire. 

Uh oh...  

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