Chapter 37

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Please be warned, there is a slightly mature part at the end, so anyone who is uncomfortable with mature stuff can refrain from reading it – it has been highlighted at the end.

"It hurts..." she whispered, before she ran away from Arnav into the kitchen, hoping against hopes that he wouldn't follow her there.

She just wanted to sit down and cry alone. She needed to get the feeling of betrayal off her chest – and she couldn't do that in front of Arnav. It made her feel as if she was weak. And she knew that is partially true when it came to Arnav – but what could she do? She loved him immensely and had trusted him immensely too. Maybe a little too much – and that's why it hurt now.

Of course it was going to hurt – she had been living in a fairy tale world in all this time she had been living with Arnav. He did everything he could to make her happy, he would spoil her rotten, he would shower his love on her and she would do the same. Misunderstandings and fights hardly came into the picture and when they did, they solved it between themselves quickly because it was only about them.

But this misunderstanding involved a third person – to be more precise another woman. And that too a woman who was in love with her man. And she had trusted Arnav not to do anything that might hurt her in this matter, but he had failed her.

She had already been feeling a little off whenever she saw Sheetal near Arnav – and he knew that too. And yet, he had suggested that he talk to Sheetal alone. That had been the first blow, but Khushi had trusted him, thinking he must have his reasons for doing so. But hugging Sheetal, and kissing her...?! How could he? Had it been his actual sister or at least a girl who truly considered him a brother, Khushi wouldn't have had a problem at all. But Sheetal?! He had known this would be her reaction if she saw him in that position with Sheetal – in fact isn't that why he had jumped to the conclusion that she would think he is cheating on her? And yet... that hadn't stopped him from getting close to Sheetal. He clearly didn't care about her feelings in this matter. And that hurt. In fact he hit her where it hurts most. And she would need time to get over that. Lots of time...


Meanwhile, Arnav stood there, Khushi's words still reverberating in his ears. He had failed her. That too in more than one way.

She was right – he really hadn't thought of her when he had hugged Sheetal. All he had been able to feel in that moment was Sheetal's, his sister's, pain. He hadn't really thought his actions through before hugging and kissing Sheetal – if he had, then he would have realised that Khushi would definitely get hurt and he never would have done it. He had been blinded with Sheetal's tears so much that he hadn't thought about Khushi's reaction, and he had ended up breaking Khushi's heart with his thoughtless actions.

And if that wasn't enough, he had later questioned her trust and love too, breaking her further.

He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. He really was a jerk.

But he would make it up to Khushi no matter what it took. He wouldn't let this break what they had. Never.

However, Arnav also knew that he needed to give Khushi some time to cry off some of the pain before he could approach her to pacify her. Because there was no way he would be able to get through to her right now, when her pain and disappointment was at its peak.

And so he walked towards the kitchen, where Khushi was now sitting on the floor and crying her heart out.

Arnav just leaned against the wall outside the kitchen, not going in. Standing there he could hear her heart wrenching sobs that stabbed at his heart relentlessly. But he knew that it was all his fault, so he stood there, silently sharing her pain.

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