Chapter 38

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Meanwhile in another area of India, a man standing in a room of darkness, dialled a number on the phone and waited while it rang.

As soon as it was picked up with a soft, "Hello?" he started to speak.

"Last time you failed. But this time I want no mistakes. When are you calling them over?" he asked sternly.

"Day after tomorrow for sure," the other person replied, voice slightly shivering.

"You know the consequences if anything goes wrong don't you?" he asked menacingly.

"O-of course," the other person replied.

And with that the line went dead.

The man then took out a photo and traced the face on the picture, his lips curving into an evil smirk.

"At first I thought I'll just finish you off. But after seeing you – I thought I might as well enjoy you before sending you up to heaven. I'll make up for the lost times all in one go..." he said, looking at the photo lustfully.


As soon as Khushi shut the bathroom door behind her, she leaned against the door, resting her head on it as she closed her eyes and sighed.

She knew that today was going to be a hard day – a very hard day. She knew that Arnav would leave no stone unturned to woo her back. And it was going to be quite a task for her to stop herself from forgiving him.

But she had to do this – because if she didn't, then she knew that she will be the one suffering later on. Forgiving him right now would be easy, but she knew that it would hurt like hell if he made the same mistake again. And so she has to steel her heart for one day and give him a hard time...

With that determination, she opened her eyes only to be met with another sorry card and another set of flowers positioned right in front of her!

'He doesn't even spare the bathroom does he?' she thought, amused.

Just as she'd finished her shower, she realised that she didn't bring any clothes or towels with her in the hurry of leaving behind Arnav...

Panicking, she looked around the bathroom for anything that might be able to cover her...

As her eyes scanned the area, she spotted a towel, and next to it was a packet that she had failed to notice when she first entered the bathroom.

She grabbed the towel instantly and wrapped it around herself before she opened the packet...

And there, inside it was a beautiful light blue saree...

She took it out, awed by the simplicity and beauty of it... She had to admit that Arnav had really good taste in sarees – either that, or he knew exactly what she liked...

She saw a note sticking out of it and took it out to read it:

'I'm so so so sorry Khushi. I know what I did was extremely wrong and it has hurt you a lot. I wasn't thinking Khushi, and I know it's my fault completely. But I promise I won't do something like this ever again. You're my life Khushi, and without you I can't breathe – not anymore. And I will do anything to keep my life with me. Please give me this one chance Khushi – I promise you won't regret it. I love you.



Automatically a smile started to bloom on her face, as she read the note.

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