Chapter 36

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He turned to the side, only to see Khushi standing there looking at him and Sheetal with a blank look on her face. The only thing giving away her pain was the sheen of tears, glistening in her eyes.

And that's when Arnav looked down to see his close proximity with Sheetal, and realised what Khushi must be thinking seeing this scene in front of her.

He looked back at Khushi, desperate for her to understand. "Khushi it's not what you're thinking. I swear!"

If Khushi had cried, or screamed at him, or even if she'd come and slapped him he wouldn't have worried.

But she just turned around and walked away, without a word.

"Khushi! Listen to me! Khushi stop!" Arnav called desperately as he ran after her.

But she didn't look back even once.

Meanwhile Sheetal stood exactly where Arnav had left her, smirking evilly, silently rejoicing that her plan had worked perfectly.


Khushi didn't show any sign of stopping or listening to Arnav until she got to the sitting room where Aman was waiting for her.

"Amanji, is it okay if Arnavji and I take your leave now? I'm actually feeling a little unwell... I just want to go home..." Khushi said, trying to speak through the lump in her throat and trying her level best to control the tears that were threatening to fall down.

As Arnav reached the sitting room, he heard Khushi's request and immediately added, "Haan Aman, even I have some work to do, so we'll take your leave now."

And with that he grabbed Khushi's hand and pulled her out of the door, towards the car, not giving Aman a chance to reply, nor Khushi a chance to protest.

By the time Aman had opened his mouth to reply, Arnav and Khushi were already out of the door, and Aman just watched on feeling extremely confused...

As soon as they were out of Aman's sight, Khushi shook Arnav's hand off hers angrily, freeing herself of his grip.

And when Arnav tried to move forward to explain, she took a step back, making Arnav feel hurt.

She almost recoiled away from him, not even wanting his shadow to touch her in that moment.

Arnav felt his chest constrict seeing Khushi cringe away from him.

Deciding it would be better to sort out the issue at the penthouse, he walked over to the other side of the car without another word and got in the car.

And within a few seconds Khushi got into her seat too, and they soon headed towards RM.

When they entered RM, they came face to face with Dadi.

Khushi was taken aback seeing her – she hadn't seen or heard of Dadi in so long that she'd almost forgotten her existence.

"Arnav! Where have you been all these days? You didn't call even once to tell me where you were, what you were doing, or at least when you were coming back! Is this what I taught you Arnav? Do you have any idea how worried I have been?" Dadi started her rant as soon as she caught sight of him.

"Oh cut the crap – we both know you don't give a sh** about where I was or how I was," he cut in harshly.

Khushi almost flinched hearing him, but she remained silent. She made no move to stop him speaking so rudely with Dadi – she was too hurt and angry to think rationally about anything else. Every second, the only image in her head was of Arnav and Sheetal standing so closely, with Arnav's lips on her forehead... No matter how much she tried to get the image out of her head, it just wouldn't go, slowly breaking her heart piece by piece.

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