My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22

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Khushi opened her eyes the next morning to find herself wrapped securely in a pair of manly arms that she could recognise anywhere now. She was initially shocked to find his calm, peacefully sleeping face centimeters away from hers as she looked up. But then everything that happened last night came rushing back to her the next second and she tightened her hold on his collar, which she had been holding while sleeping.

Her face turned a darker shade of red by the second as she realised what she had done in the heat of the moment last night.

How could she?! She had kissed him all over his face and neck... Just the thought of it made her blush, her face putting tomatoes to shame. What was wrong with her?! How could she do all that? And that too with Arnavji! Gosh how would she face him now? This was so embarrassing!

Just as she was about to pull herself out of his embrace she felt Arnav stir slightly beside her. She quickly closed her eyes, not ready to face him yet - to be honest she didn't know if she would ever be ready to face him!

As soon as Arnav woke up, the first thing he recognised was the feel of Khushi's body molded against his own. He looked down to see Khushi lying there with her eyes closed, her face so close to his.

Khushi was doing her best to pretend to be asleep but Arnav was too smart to fall for her trick. Their bodies were practically plastered together with his hold on her, and he could feel her heart beating really fast - in fact it was as fast as his was. He could feel her erratic breathing against his neck, and he could see the rosy blush that covered her cheeks.

Arnav smirked as he figured what must have been running through that tiny head of hers. He could tell that she was too embarrassed to face him and she was probably berating herself for acting the way she did yesterday night.

Arnav probably should have felt the same way, considering his strong resolve to maintain his distance from her since yesterday. But he just couldn't get himself to even think of that after last night.

He had no regrets about last night. It was new to Arnav in the same way it was to Khushi. But hearing her confession yesterday had tugged at the heartstrings he had buried deep within the past years. And now he just felt a kind of acceptance. Acceptance of his feelings for Khushi. Maybe he wasn't ready to name that feeling just yet, but he was able to admit to himself that Khushi meant a lot more than a friend to him too.

I guess you could say that in a way, they were both at the same stage. But Khushi being the innocent girl was shyer to openly admit these feelings in front of him. Last night in the dark, while she thought he was asleep, it was easy to open up to her own feelings. And later she had just lost herself in the happiness that he was now with her again, that she hardly knew that she was kissing him all over. But now... it wasn't so easy for her to come to terms with her actions, and Arnav understood that.

Last night had miraculously (or not) completely lightened Arnav's mood. He was in a playful mood and thought he could be a little mischievous. What's the harm in a little teasing early morning?

He loosened his arms around her and using his left hand he slowly brushed the back of his fingers on the curve of her hips. The sensation left Khushi breathing harder and harder by the second. Arnav smirked seeing the effect he had on her.

He lifted his hand slightly so that his fingers hovered over her hips, no longer touching her. And then he moved this hand up her body slowly - up her waist, then her arms, her shoulders, her neck...

His hand didn't touch her skin even once but Khushi could feel the heat of his fingers caressing her skin sensually as they moved up her body. She tightened her arms on his collar unconsciously, unable to take this sensual torture.

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