You're Not Alone (Hidekane + Tanda)

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This is dedicated to my_darkening_soul (who wanted and inspired me to write some hidekane) and my lovely friend that_epic_turtle . I promised you I'd incorporate Tanda :3

I don't know how Tanda happened, but it's our nice, close-best-friends type ship.

AU: Date between Rize and Kaneki never happened. I'm one of the many who likes this one :3

Warning: I'm very inexperienced with Hidekane. This one-shot may go to hell.


There was nothing the brunette seemed to dislike about the season. Unable to concentrate on the teacher's lecture, she managed a few brief notes while gazing out the window at the variety of colors. The weather blew through the opening and brought a cool breeze, and after barely surviving the scorching summer heat, it was absolutely perfect.

The bell rang to signal lunch period. "Come on, Kaneki! Get your nose out of that book so we can eat some lunch!" the golden-haired boy whined.

"H-Hide! Hey, give it back! I was reading a good part!" Kaneki scolded him, trying his best to appear mad. However, that was not his strong suit.

Hide seems athletic while Kaneki always has a book in front of him. It's quite ironic, the girl thought with a sheepish grin.

She then felt hands lightly stroke through her hair, picking out distinct curls. "Your hair smells good today Panda," a voice spoke lightly from behind her.

"I don't recall a day when you haven't said that to me Turtle," Panda replied with a small snicker.

The nicknames were always common. They were something in middle school they had never quite grown out of. Panda slowly stood up from the desk, her height dominating Turtle's by a couple inches.

The two exited the classroom at a leisurely pace to head to the cafeteria. They were never really bothered by the fact that they were always last to lunch. In fact, they were usually annoyed by the mad crowd who wanted to get served first.

"Boneless wings?" Panda questioned as they were in line for lunch.

"Hey look! Dinner rolls!" Turtle pointed by the fruit. "You should get me an extra one."

Panda laughed, shaking her head. "What can I expect? You love bread more than anything." They picked up trays for their main course. "Hm... I'll have to think about it."

They each took a dinner roll. While Turtle retrieved one, she was still eyeing Panda's hungrily. Any time Panda would get distracted would be a chance to-

"I won't give you any if you keep trying to steal it."

Damn it! Turtle thought, holding back a smirk.

The girls made their way into the busy cafeteria, sitting opposite the now flustered Kaneki and a playful Hide.

"Hey! Nice of you to join us," Hide greeted with a wave. "You see, Kaneki here-"

A hand slapped over Hide's mouth. "Enough already, Hide," Kaneki groaned. The last thing he wanted was for Panda and Turtle to learn a rumor his best friend started about him and a certain girl.

Kaneki had never fallen for a girl. There were no silly little crushes in elementary school, no racing heart, no nothing. The feelings were blank and adamant.

That was until he met Hide.

Hide was the person who always knew how to hold Kaneki together. He often questioned the warm fuzzy feeling he received in his stomach when around his friend, but he didn't dare bring it up around anyone.

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