Can I Have This Dance? (Ayushiki)

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A/N: Imagine that River Flows In You by Yiruma is playing when the text says the music begins. Warning: Fluffy!

"Are you excited, Ayumi?" Hinoe asked her younger sister, who was gazing out the car window at the starry night sky.

This was enough to draw the young blue-haired adolescent from her thoughts. She glanced at her sister for a mere second before turning away. "Yes, I am, but I will probably sit out for the slower songs," she explained with a sigh. She knew that her long-time crush, Satoshi Mochida, would ask Naomi Nakashima instead.

"That's too bad. Just stick with your friends, alright?" Hinoe advised.

Ayumi nodded, slumping down a little in the passenger seat. Whenever she thought about it, she hadn't really been close around anyone besides Ms. Yui and sometimes Yoshiki.

Ms. Yui will be volunteering to help. That's obvious, she pointed out in her mind. Kishinuma doesn't show too much interest in these events, so he is a mystery.

The vehicle slowed to a stop in front of Kisaragi. Ayumi pulled open the car door, waving goodbye to Hinoe as she made her way toward the school building.

On the way in, there was a crowd, which was always expected for formal dances like this one. A peer of hers took a step back, causing her to have to shift backwards as well. She stumbled and started to fall, facing impact on the concrete sidewalk.

Then she fell against something- no, someone. They were definitely masculine, and contained a lot of body heat. Her body was steadied up so she could stand up correctly, then the feeling of warmth had vanished as he moved away.

Ayumi turned her head to see her savior was none other than the ex-delinquent Yoshiki Kishinuma.

She hadn't recalled a time other than right now that she'd seen him in a suit. It wasn't the perfect apparel, but he still appeared handsome in her eyes.

H-Handsome? she shuddered at the idea, but her heart still began to beat rapidly. All of the blood rushed up to her cheeks, turning them a dark red.

His silvery gray eyes locked on hers, causing her chest to jump with excitement.

"Sorry," Ayumi forced out, trying not to stutter. Unlike a normal day, he was making her extremely nervous.

Yoshiki's heart was pumping so quickly that it was hard to breathe. Ayumi had her hair down, which was an abnormality. The red dress just made her look even more beautiful than ever before. "It's not your fault," he reassured her, sounding calmer than he thought he would.

Silently, they walked into the school building, catching sight of Naomi, Satoshi, and Seiko.

"Oooh, are Kishinuma and class rep going to be voted best couple?" Seiko cooed, elbowing Naomi.

"We're not dating," Yoshiki and Ayumi stated at the same time.

Seiko snickered. Naomi started to talk to Ayumi, and the three girls engaged in a deep conversation.

Satoshi thought that now was the perfect opportunity. He wanted answers from his best friend Yoshiki, and fairly fast. "Yoshiki? Can we go somewhere and have guy-to-guy talk?" Satoshi asked awkwardly.

Yoshiki glanced up before leading Satoshi to the roof where they usually dined for lunch. "What is it you want to talk about so bad?" Yoshiki wondered sarcastically.

Satoshi figured he should tell Yoshiki what he planned to do tonight first. "I'm asking Naomi out tonight," he confessed, having to look down at the floor.

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