Mirrored Image (Self Shot)

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A/N: Mirror, Mirror tag. I will list nominees at the end :3

Have I changed?

In front of me is the young girl I've known and had disgrace for my entire life- the one in the mirror.

She was unique, bold, and always spoke loud. Her happy personality would give life to everyone who dared enough to be around her.

Her moods would change quickly from happy to mysterious in a matter of seconds. The bags under her eyes seemed more evident than before, her blue eyes seemed more gray than they were ever before, and there was a hidden emotion that she would never trust anyone with.

I gripped the sink tight and looked down before looking up again. "I think I'm depressed again, aren't I..." I spoke under my breath. "I have married parents and a better life than most... do I have a right?"

The voice she spoke in was a deeper, low pitched voice that she was never fond of. She cringed every time she heard it.

She tried to smile to cheer herself up from the negative words and looks directed towards her poured into her head. The smile was like a curse to her, the tooth gap, crooked teeth, everything.

When she thought about her sister's smile just then, she threatened to raise a tight fist to strike the wall.

"No," I forced myself, pulling my fist back to my side. I thought about the one time I distanced myself away, remembering the constant comments I got because what I was saying never made a lick of sense.

Tears threatened to come, but I pushed them back with all the strength and energy kept in my body. I kept staring at the mirrored image.

Who would ever forget her hair? She had kept it pulled back into a ponytail, brown thick curls spilling down around her figure. Other than her eyes, her peers saw the long curls first.

The words, the music, the lyrics, echoing with a strange beat. Her hands raised to her head, threatening to scream. How was she happy, but then instantly in this deeper emotion?

It was killing her state of mind. The thing was, no one understood. She was intelligent, but why was she using her brilliance to hide another person from people?

The tears finally conquered her, trailing down like a waterfall. She knew most wouldn't care for her sake; she was so cheery anyway, so what would the problem be with seeing her cry for once?

They could never see it; she refused to break in front of them. She fell apart before, all because of one boy who failed to care for her own sake, when only one person could take notice of that sadness.

Was that the hidden emotion? Hidden inside her soul, her mind, the music she listened to?

"No one cares anyway," she spat bitterly. "If they do, I'll never believe them. I would never..."

The eye makeup was a little smudged and still runny. She couldn't look at herself anymore. She knew she could get out of this supposed funk, or whatever she would be dealing with.

Her mother's words were in her head. This was being selfish, and she knew it. Her parents never really knew that her moods were different then they made them out to be, or how everyone saw them be.

"Stop," I snapped at myself. I know, it's a bit twisted to be talking to yourself, but this was the only way I could get a form a counselling. I was only thinking about myself, and I needed to stop it this instant. "You have yourself. Trust yourself."

I thought about the friends that I've separated from before. Didn't they think of me as that? Didn't they say they never did what I believed? I pondered, remembering my apology. I knew that was my mistake and not theirs, for they never really put it into as deep of thought as I did.

Were they lying? Or am I trying to push the blame onto them instead of me?

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. If I stayed in here too long, Mom would be calling for me downstairs or come in the bathroom to see me crying.

I was thankful for never thinking about self-harm; if I did, then my mom would probably never approve of me again. I'd already fucked up too many times by the harsh words that flew from my mouth without a second thought. I couldn't possibly risk it.

I wiped the makeup that was messed up from my selfish and pain driven tears. If anyone saw me like this, I was doomed.

I slowly drew my eyes to see myself one last time, asking the same question on my mind before. I think I understood it now- my emotions and my fear of depression.

I strided to my room and gently pulled the door shut behind me. "I'm changing..." I murmured, making sure no one heard me. "It's the words haunting me, I reckin. I'm afraid of being alone somehow..." I trailed off to think about this correctly.

In a way, am I already alone on this?

I let out a shaky breath, ending my phase and directing my attention to my computer screen. I wonder how twisted people will see me as now.

I promise I'm still happy as ever, and that's the truth. I still don't get why I'm breaking down...

A/N: I sincerely apologize for not updating one-shots. I have more ideas than the zero I had beforehand... haha at me. Sorry if this was a bit depressing. I wanted to make this as truthful as possible. This is real for me. I know it's selfish, but doesn't everyone think this once in a while?

As promised, the nominees are: AKR-Tohko alanakat chrychan waffles001 Ayushiki ElRealta shmurr1 CoolGirlSwag and PewCryBusOsh .

Good luck, and I got a great one-shot for you guys that will (hopefully) be published next week!

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