By Your Side (Ayushiki)

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Another Ayushiki one-shot to satisfy your feels. I incorporated Lights by Vexento in this because the song was too damn pretty to be ignored. Fluff warning. I don't own the characters.

"Hey, Yoshiki. How are you holding up?" the brunette asked, sliding open the door and showing concern for his friend.

Yoshiki sheepishly grinned, and Satoshi could tell that from how he appeared he wasn't sleeping much, if not at all. However, he didn't make a move from his chair, situated by an occupied bed.

The incident happened about a month ago, and Yoshiki was right in the middle of it. On the way to meet friends at the mall while her parents were on the same bus for work, Ayumi and Yoshiki were caught in a tragic bus accident.

Ayumi's parents were two of the many who died in the accident. Yoshiki and Ayumi were among the four others who had survived. While he came out with a broken arm and sprained ankle from trying to protect the blunette, Ayumi had a minor concussion. Sadly, it removed her consciousness, and she hadn't woken since.

Whenever any of the friends spoke to her, she made some small but noticeable movements. It was as if she could hear them.

Out of the eight others, Yoshiki had definitely visited the most. Ms. Yui came in every other day after school, consoling with Yoshiki and understanding how protective he was of Ayumi. If Satoshi came in alone, it was usually to check on the blonde. Most of the time, however, he'd bring Naomi and Seiko, who always tried to brighten the mood a bit.

Ironically, Morishige sometimes visited as well. He was never by himself unlike anyone else; Mayu was usually right by his side, and one could predict that she wanted him to come and would be able to convince him to drop by.

Yoshiki would come whenever he absolutely could. At night, he slept on the chair by Ayumi, but made sure to wake up every couple hours to check on her. Before school, he'd say goodbye to her. When he got back, stopping briefly at his apartment to change in casual clothing, he'd tell her about the events of the day.

Sometimes, he even risked grasping her hand for comfort. Two times before, one including just yesterday, Ayumi had squeezed his hand in return. It made his heart race, and it was tough not to cry. He'd stay strong around the others and the occasional nurse that would come in and tend to Ayumi's needs.

He tried everything he could think of to get Ayumi out of her comatose state, but to no avail. She still breathed lightly, calmly, and never made a move of waking up. It was relieving to see her so relaxed, but it worried Yoshiki more and more by the day.

"Yoshiki?" Satoshi's question snapped the blonde away from his thoughts. The incident always seemed on his mind nowadays, even when he forced himself to focus in class.

"I...I'm alright," he managed to say, holding back the screams in anger at himself and sadness. However, he doubted Satoshi would believe him; he couldn't look the brunette in the eyes.

Satoshi knew for a fact that his best friend was fibbing. He shook it off for now, deciding to comfort him later on. "Any news on Shinozaki's condition?"

Yoshiki finally lifted his head from glaring at floor and fixed his eyes on Satoshi. "They're planning to take her off life support in three days," he explained, facing the peaceful blunette. Tears started to rush down his face.

"WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME?" he asked in frustration, raising his voice but not too loud for any nurse around to hear him. "She could be happy, but that asshole of a driver couldn't stop looking at his cellphone..."

Satoshi placed a hand on Yoshiki's shoulder, sighing and shutting his eyes. This was so painful. The girl that his best friend cared for the most was in a state where death seemed to be the only solution. He imagined the situation if it'd been him and Naomi, and it was enough to tighten his heartstrings.

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