Drunken Night

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You immediately hopped on a train and traveled until you reached the city of Crocus, the capital of Fiore. During the train ride, you forced yourself to think of anything that didn't involve Laxus. You didn't want anything to do with him now. He wasn't your boyfriend anymore. You're single now. You're free. You just wish you would've been "free" before you fell in love with him.

By the time you arrived in Crocus, the sun was setting and you knew you needed a place to sleep tonight. However, you didn't think to bring any money along with you. Actually, you didn't bring anything with you. You just wanted to get out of Magnolia as soon as possible. Since you had no money, you would have to improvise. You walked through the town searching for a comfortable place; alleyways were a definite no-no and sleeping in a tree was uncomfortable.

You stumbled upon a bar called Yellow Moon. You entered the bar and the atmosphere reminded you of Fairy Tail. It was loud and lively just like the guild. You shook your head to rid your mind of that place. Thinking about the guild would eventually take your mind to Laxus. You don't want that.

"Hey." You turned your head in the direction of the voice on instinct. A buff young man, probably twenty-three, with short red hair and equally red eyes stood near you. He was wearing a tank top which showed off his toned muscles and a pair of jeans. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he looked at you. "Me?" You asked.

"Yeah." The man replied. "You look really upset. Is everything ok?"

"No." You were honest and you actually meant to think it, but it slipped out.

"Well then, let me buy you a drink!" The man grinned.

I could use a drink right now. You thought. Besides, if this guy tried to pull something I could always use magic. "Ok." You replied. You followed the man to a booth and sat across from him. He called the waitress and ordered two beers. "By the way," He said once the waitress left. "my name's Zen."

You raised an eyebrow. Zen? I've never heard that name before. "[Name]." You replied. "Nice to meet you, [Name]." Zen held his hand out and you shook it. "So," He began, "why were you so upset when you came here?" He asked. "Do you mind talking to a stranger?" He joked and smiled.

Your shoulders drooped and tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Zen noticed and tried to calm you down. "Hey, hey, hey!" He spoke softly. He grabbed a napkin from the table and handed it to you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to talk if you don't wanna." He said. You wiped your eyes with the napkin. "No. S'okay." You mumbled.

The waitress came back with the two beers and left once again. You consumed the entire mug in no time flat. You licked your lips in satisfaction. You suddenly felt the need to get drunk tonight so you could forget about everything momentarily. "I want another fill." You stated plainly. Zen looked at you in amusement. "You know, most girls put on this whole 'proper' act in front of guys. Especially at a bar." He smirked. "I ain't like most girls." You commented. "I can see that." Zen's smirk grew bigger.


Zen had about 15 mugs and was a little tipsy, but you completely surpassed him by having 25 mugs. You were completely and totally drunk. The bar was about to close soon so the two of you had to leave. Zen stood up and left his money on the table. "C'mon, [Name]. Let's get you home." He held out his hand which you grabbed on to.

"I don't have a home!" You pouted. You and Zen walked out of the bar hand-in-hand. The night's cool breeze blew against your skin, making you giggle. Oh yeah, you are definitely drunk! "You don't?" Zen asked, wobbling slightly as he walked.

"Noooo." You whined like a child, leaning against Zen's arm and clutching it for dear life. "My ex boyfriend cheated on me . . so I *hiccup* had to leave. I guess *hiccup* I wasn't good enough to date." You slurred.

"Nahh!" Zen patted your head. "That guy's a jerk!" He nodded. "You're the best girl I've met in my entire life!" Your cheeks heated up and a small smile crept onto your face. "Tha- *hiccup* thanks!"

"C'mon!" Zed pulled you closer to him. "You can stay at my place tonight!" You giggled and nodded in response. The two of you walked for about five more minutes before you made it to Zen's apartment. It was a nice apartment and looked expensive. The inside surprised you because it was clean. Most guys' places are covered with dirty clothes and food wrappers. You flopped face first onto his couch. "Your couch is so soft." You mumbled into the furniture.

"The bed is better." Zen yawned. "Go sleep in my room. I'll sleep out here." You rolled over on the couch so that you were facing him. "You sure?" Zen nodded in response and yawned again. You stood from the couch and mumbled a 'thank you'. "Down the hall, second door." He told you. You followed instructions and went into Zen's room. He was right! You flopped face first onto the mattress and it felt like heaven against your skin. And that's the last thing you remember about that night.

You woke up to the sunlight that was shining through the window. You opened your eyes and gave them time to adjust. Across the room was Zen's dresser. You looked at the clock which read 12:00. Noon? You thought. You groaned at the oncoming headache you were receiving. You sat up in bed which made the sheet slide down. You felt a cool breeze that gave you goosebumps and looked down at yourself. You found yourself naked. You checked under the sheets to make sure. Yep, I'm naked. You looked over your shoulder and saw Zen asleep with no shirt on. You checked under the covers on his side. And he's naked too. You buried your face in your hands after putting two and two together. What have I done?

Shy!Laxus x Reader: The BreakupWhere stories live. Discover now