Two Broken Hearts

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As soon as Laxus made eye contact with you, you ran off. Before you took off, however, he saw the hurt in your eyes. That look on your face broke his heart. Laxus loves you; he truly does. He's been in love with you for years, but only a year ago did he build the courage to ask you out. Did he just ruin his chances with the girl he's madly in love with? But wait . . . why are you upset? What did he do? "Laxus~" A feminine voice purred his name. He turned his head and saw a girl in his embrace. No . . . don't tell me. [Name] saw us! Saw this!?! Now she thinks I cheated on her! Crap, that's why she looked so upset. But wait . . . who is this chick? How did I get here? What was I doing? "Laxus, you listening?" The girl's voice snapped him from his thoughts. Upon seeing the girl who was NOT you, Laxus released her. "I think we're done here." He glared at the girl before shoving his way past her.

"Laxus!" The girl called after him, "Where are you going?" Laxus ignored her and continued walking. He saw the bag you had dropped and stopped to pick it up. He walked down the streets of Magnolia as he looked inside the bag. He saw the fur coat and smiled to himself. I love how she knows me. However, that smiled vanished when he read the card that was also inside the bag under the coat.

The card read:

Happy Anniversary, Laxus! I can't believe you've put up with me for an entire year now. I love you.

Your girlfriend,

Laxus's eyes burned as he read the card that you wrote for him. He tried to keep the tears from falling, but the pain was too much. Not wanting to be seen or around any other life form, Laxus secluded himself within the forest. Your words cut deep into him. You loved him. You've never told him that before and now you probably never will. You'll probably never take him back and there's nothing he can say that'll justify his actions. You probably wouldn't believe him if he said that he never remembered meeting that girl or kissing her for that matter. He had no idea why or how he got in that alley. It doesn't matter. I lost her. Laxus curled up underneath a tree as he became overwhelmed with a river of tears. [Name] will never take me back. I should've known she was too good for me. She doesn't deserve me! As if responding to his emotions, the sky turned gray as it began to rain and a light boom of thunder was heard. Despite the weather, Laxus stayed where he was. He didn't move a muscle. He didn't feel like moving. He didn't feel like doing anything.

It wasn't long after the rain that thunder and lightning danced across the sky. The thunder increased in volume each time. The rain also got worse. Laxus didn't care. He still stayed curled up under that tree. Although, now, he was soaking wet and his eyes were red from crying. Normally, he'd be embarrassed if anyone from the guild saw him like this. But without you, he didn't give a care in the world. He messed up. He screwed up. And this was his punishment: the guilt feeling and the aching heart as well as the worry and fear of never having your forgiveness. She probably hates me.


Brokenhearted, you automatically ran home while crying your eyes out. You locked yourself in your room and jumped facedown in bed, smashing your face in the pillow. You released all of your cries and screams into that pillow. You avoided closing your eyes because every time you did, you saw that scene. I finally find love and it stabs me in the heart. Your heart did, literally, hurt. It felt like someone was chopping up your heart with a butcher knife. That's when you heard rain hitting against your window and thunder roaring in the distance.

Even with your eyes open, your mind was constantly on Laxus. It was driving you crazy. Everything about this town reminded you of Laxus. The more you thought of Laxus, the more your heart hurt. You wanted Laxus off of your mind so you could have a moment of relief. Being in this town isn't gonna help me. You wiped your eyes of all tears and put on a long, black hooded cloak that you had dug up from your closet. You sat at the desk in your room with paper and pen ready. You stayed at your desk, writing until you finished saying whatever you needed to say. You held your tears back so that they wouldn't fall onto the paper. You folded the paper up and put it in an envelope.

With the envelope in hand, you left your house and walked slowly in the direction of the guild. Please, don't let Laxus be there. You weren't ready to face Laxus at all yet. Hopefully, he wasn't at the guild. You took your time walking to Fairy Tail in the rain. You didn't care in the slightest that it was raining and that you were completely soaked. It felt good to you in a strange way.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in your direction when you entered the guild. "[Name], are you ok? You're soaked!" Mira came from behind the bar to help you. "M'fine." You mumbled, shrugging her off. You held out the letter which was completely dry since you hid it in your cloak. Mira gave you a confused look, but took the letter. "Give it to Laxus." You mumbled, you had to swallow a cry as you said Laxus's name, as you turned and walked out of the guild. No one said anything. It was obvious that you were not in a good mood even though you were fine a few hours ago.

Mira kept the letter near her as she worked at the bar. She was curious as to what it said, but didn't let her curiosity get the best of her. It was hard, but she managed to occupy herself.

The letter you wrote for Laxus reads:

Dear Laxus,

I honestly enjoyed the past year we spent together, but I guess all relationships have to come to an end. I just wished that you would've told me to my face that you didn't want to be with me anymore. I'm a big girl, you know. I can handle it. Since you didn't have the courage to say it, I'll say it for you: We have to break up, Laxus. I know I'm not saying it to your face, but I'm not ready to see you yet. I'll be gone for a while to clear my head. I don't know when I'll be back. Take care of yourself.


Shy!Laxus x Reader: The BreakupWhere stories live. Discover now