Tracking With Hound Dogs

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"How am I suppose to find her?" Laxus grumbled. "And how do you know she'll believe me?"

"Calm down, Laxus." Makarov said. Laxus and his team were gathered in Makarov's office. They had two problems that they needed to tackle: they needed to find out where you ran off to and they needed to get proof that someone used magic to mess with Laxus's memories.

"Couldn't we get Natsu or Gajeel to track [Name] down?" Bickslow suggested.

"If she's in the area, then I suppose so." Freed agreed.

"I doubt that she's in Magnolia." Evergreen commented. "She would probably want to get as far away from here as possible . . . but she also probably hasn't gotten far."

"What do you mean?" Laxus narrowed his eyes at the Fairy Mage.

"Well, if I were heartbroken I would leave immediately to get away from it all," Evergreen explained, "which means that I wouldn't have brought much money-"

"So she wouldn't be able to travel very far." Freed finished what Evergreen was about to say.

"Wow, Evergreen's actually smart!" Bickslow teased.

"Shut up!" Evergreen huffed. "You have to think like a woman in this case and none of you have that ability."

"Well, whatever." Laxus growled. He didn't care about anything but getting you back. Anything in their conversation that didn't involve you was blocked out. "So where would [Name] be?"

"Good question." Freed mumbled.

"Well, if she couldn't have gotten far then she's definitely somewhere in Fiore." Bickslow said.

"Maybe . . ." Evergreen mumbled.

"Maybe what?" Laxus growled.

"The capital." Evergreen said. "It's a large town with lots of people. If you ask me, it's a good place to start fresh."

Crocus, huh? Laxus thought. "Old man, have you figured anything out on what magic was used?" Laxus asked his grandfather. Makarov closed the ancient magic book that he was looking through. "There is, indeed, a magic that alters one's memories." Makarov sighed. "It's called Memory Manipulation Magic. The user can erase or add memories that they want to a person. The memories can also be used as weapons. The user can bring their target's memories to life and use the memories against that person."

"That sounds about right." Freed commented.

"Ok, so now we know that magic was used on Laxus." Evergreen nodded.

"The question is who is it?" Laxus mumbled.

"Well, it has to be that girl from the alley." Bickslow said. His dolls echoed, "Alley! Alley!"

That chick!?! Laxus thought. Now that I think about it, she knew my name but I have no idea who she is. "How do we find her? I don't even know who she is." Laxus said.

"But she knows you." Makarov laid back in his chair. "Walk around Magnolia and we'll follow closely behind you. You don't need to find her, she'll find you." Laxus nodded at his grandfather's instructions.

Laxus strolled down the streets of Magnolia with his new fur coat blowing in the wind. He was freshly showered so he didn't look like he did a day ago. He still had a few bags under his eyes, but his eyes were no longer red. Makarov and the Thunder Legion went from tree to tree, hiding behind them. "Master!" Freed whispered, "I believe that that's the girl." Everyone glanced from behind the tree and saw Laxus talking to a girl. Makarov took the recording lacrima and recorded the entire conversation.

"Did you get that, old man?" Laxus asked as he walked towards his team and Makarov. "Sure did!" Makarov smiled. "Now that we have recorded evidence, we just need to find [Name]." Laxus said. His face was dead serious. "We'll need the two idiots." He grumbled.

"Natsu! Gajeel!" Laxus shouted as he barged into the guild. Everyone froze in place at Laxus's sudden rage. Laxus scanned the guild for the two dragon slayers. If I was an iron eater, where would I hid? Laxus approached the bar, glaring with a menacing aura. He walked behind the bar where Mirajane was, cleaning dishes, and grabbed the Iron Dragon by his hair and dragged him towards the front doors. "Hey! Get your hands off me!" Gajeel protested with a mouthful of utensils. Laxus dropped him at the feet of his team and glared down at him. "Don't move." Laxus growled.

Laxus turned to find his second dragon. You'd think he'd be out in plain sight. "Natsu, if you come out I'll fight you." Laxus bargained. A table bursted into flames almost two seconds later. "Alright! Now I've got a fire in my belly!" Natsu flipped the table and charged at Laxus. "You ready, Laxus! I'm all fired-" Natsu's face made contact with the floor. Laxus had struck Natsu in the head. "I win." Laxus growled, "Now come." Laxus dragged Natsu to the front doors and dropped him next to Gajeel.

"We'll be back." Laxus told Makarov over his shoulder. "Come back safe," Makarov smiled, "and happy!" I hope so. Laxus thought. Makarov handed his grandson the lacrima and the team left. "Where are we going?" Gajeel growled. "I need you two to sniff out [Name]." Laxus said without turning to look at the two dragon slayers. "Here." Laxus tossed Natsu a jacket. "It belongs to [Name]." He said, "Should have her scent on it."

"Geez, what are we? Hound dogs?" Gajeel grumbled. "You are today." Laxus looked over his shoulder and glared at Gajeel, "Now be a good boy and sniff." Wait for me [Name]. I'm coming! And I'll get you back! I promise!

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