Moving On?

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"Have a nice day!" You smiled as you turned away from the table that you had just gotten a tip from. Zen had gotten you a job at the same restaurant that he works at. You were now a waitress at The Hummingbird. According to the owner, the restaurant is named after the said bird because of its symbol of peace. Inside the establishment it was, indeed, peaceful and quiet; something you were not used to since you use to be in Fairy Tail. You were still a member of the guild, you still had your emblem, but you were taking time off.

"You're doing great, [Name]!" Zen smiled as you ran up to him behind the counter. "Thanks!" You grinned, "They gave me a $20 tip." You fanned the bill as if it were an actual fan. Zen laughed at your action. "That's because you're an awesome waitress." He complimented. "I'm not that great." You mumbled.

You walked away from Zen, putting your tip in the pocket of your apron. You grabbed a wash cloth from the kitchen and went to the, now, abandoned table. You cleared off the glasses and plates and wiped the table down. Then you carried the empty glasses and plates to the kitchen so they could be washed. "[Name], want to help me with the dishes?" Isabella, a coworker who was washing the dishes at the time, asked as you were about to leave the kitchen.

"Uh, sure." You mumbled. You were a nice person, you could help. This was your first day on the job too; you had to make a good impression. Although, you did want to go talk to Zen some more . . but that could always wait until later.

You grabbed some gloves, put them on, grabbed a washcloth, and began washing some plates. "So, what's the deal with you and Zen?" Isabella asked.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow and looked at your brunette coworker through the corner of your eye.

"Well, Zen's never been this . . . productive at work before and you two seem to get along really well."

"Nothing's going on between us." You stated, not taking your focus off of the dishes in front of you.

"Have you at least thought about getting together with him?"


"Well, I think you two would make an adorable couple. Plus, I think Zen likes you a lot."

"That may be so," You took a deep breath to clear your head, "but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." You just broke up with your boyfriend a couple of days ago. It was too soon to move into another relationship. You needed time to get over Laxus. You and Zen were friends and that was how it was going to stay for a while.

After finishing the pile of dishes that was on your side of the sink, you left the kitchen. You went straight behind the counter to talk to Zen who lit up when you approached him.


"She's definitely here." Gajeel commented with his arms crossed over his chest. Your jacket led the Thunder Legion to Crocus. "Yeah," Natsu agreed, "[Name]'s scent is really strong here."

"Good so she's nearby, right?" Laxus glared. Laxus's stare made Natsu jump. "Uh, yeah." The pink haired wizard nodded. The group continued to walk down the capital's crowded streets. "Geez, you don't have to be so cold. No wonder [Name] ditched you." Gajeel muttered under his breath.

Gajeel may have spoken under his breath, but Laxus heard. "I'll kill you." Laxus snarled, lightning sparking off of his skin. Gajeel gulped and glared back at Laxus. "Calm down, you two." Freed spoke up. "Focus on the task at hand: Finding [Name]." He added. The two men grunted in response. "I'm still gonna kill him." Laxus muttered.

Natsu's and Gajeel's noses led the group to a restaurant called The Hummingbird. "The Hummingbird?" Natsu read. Why the heck is she in here? Laxus thought. "You sure she's in here?" Laxus asked. "Are you doubting a dragon's nose?" Natsu asked, offended. Laxus glared in response. "Yes or no?" He snarled. I don't have time for stupid questions! He thought.

"Yes." Natsu sighed.

They walked into the restaurant and Laxus scanned the place. A small smile spread across his face once he laid eyes on you, but you were talking to some guy. What he realized next gave him a mixture of emotions. He felt hurt and angry. He also wanted to both cry and shield you from that guy you were talking to. Laxus felt immediate hatred towards the guy even though he doesn't even know him. Laxus was a dragon slayer, but since he wasn't actually raised by a dragon, his abilities aren't as strong as Natsu or Gajeel. But Laxus was sure of what he was seeing, or rather what he was smelling. Whoever this guy was that you were talking to, his scent was all over you and Laxus knew what that meant. H-Has she moved on?

Laxus spun around to face his team. "You said she wouldn't move on!" Laxus whisper-shouted. "She won't." Evergreen replied, "What's the matter?"

"Sure smells like she moved on to me." Gajeel chuckled.

"What do you-" Evergreen started to ask, but was interrupted.

"That guy with the red hair." Natsu explained. "His scent is all over [Name]." Natsu turned his head towards the Thunder Legion. "Which means [Name] slept with him."

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