A Distraught Laxus

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Laxus didn't get any sleep that night. After spending hours in the rain, he walked straight home without even bothering to stop by the guild. The next morning he laid in bed with his eyes closed. He had his headphones on, blasting his rock music. He wanted to escape the horrible guilt feeling he had. He wanted to pretend it never happened and that you would be right next to him when he opened his eyes. The extremely loud music helped calm him somewhat, but he didn't at all feel at ease.

The song that Laxus was listening to came to an end and there was brief moment of silence. In that moment, he heard a pounding on his front door. Laxus paused his music, took his headphones off, and sat up in bed with a groan. He looked over at the clock on his dresser. 2:30 pm. I spent all day in bed, didn't I? Laxus got out of bed and trudged downstairs to the front door.

At the front door, Laxus was surprised to see his grandfather standing there. "Goodness, Laxus! You look terrible, my boy." Makarov looked his grandson up and down. Indeed, Laxus didn't look like his normal self. He had bed head and dark circles around his eyes which were red from crying. His clothes made him look like he had been living on a deserted island for an entire year; one sleeve of his purple button-up shirt was torn off completely while the other sleeve was only half there, his pants had rips and tears in them, and his old fur coat had both of the sleeves torn off with multiple holes in them. He was also bare foot and his feet was covered with dirt.

"Well, I haven't showered at all." Laxus shrugged. I'm living like the monster I truly am. "You can't live like this, Laxus." Makarov frowned. The old man pulled a letter out of his coat. "You'll want to see this." He held the letter out, "Mirajane gave it to me yesterday before she closed the guild for the night. I read it to make sure it was safe since she didn't tell me who it was from. I don't know what happened, but I know you aren't alright." Laxus took the letter and opened it. It was your letter.

Laxus could feel his eyes starting to burn as he read the letter. He completely broke down when you officially broke up with him in the letter. Tears dropped all over the letter and Makarov watched his grandson show a side of himself that even he rarely sees. "S-She . . . . left?" Laxus spoke through sobs, getting to the end of your letter. Makarov nodded. Laxus wiped his eyes and face then turned to go back inside his house.

"Are you going to go after her?" Makarov asked, but it was more of a plea.

Laxus stopped in the doorway with his back facing his grandfather. "Why should I?" He said in a quiet voice and slammed the door shut in Makarov's face. Laxus trudged back upstairs and got back into bed. He put his headphones back on and resumed his music.


Makarov walked back to Fairy Tail thinking of a way to get Laxus back on his feet. I've never seen Laxus act this way over a girl. Before [Name], he just did constant one-night stands. Although, those flings were to get his mind off of [Name]. I know he's head-over-heels in love with her so I need to knock some sense into that hard head of his! Makarov burst through the guild doors to be greeted by the usual loud and craziness. "Freed! Bickslow! Evergreen! My office! Now!" He shouted and marched back to his office, ignoring the members asking him what was wrong.

"Yes, Master." Freed peeked his head through the door. "Come in." Makarov gestured for the green haired mage to enter. Freed entered with Evergreen and Bickslow following behind. The three teammates sat on the couch across from Makarov's desk. "You wanted to see us, Master?" Bickslow started the conversation.

"Yes," Makarov sighed, "it's about Laxus."

"Did something happen?" Freed panicked.

"Well I don't know the specifics, but [Name] left Laxus a heartfelt note." Makarov explained.

"Aww. How cute! Wasn't yesterday their anniversary?" Evergreen purred.

"The note was about [Name] breaking up with Laxus." Makarov clarified.

The room fell silent. "B-Breaking up?" Freed managed to get out. Makarov nodded.

"But why?" Evergreen whined.

"I don't know, but the note said that she was leaving and she wasn't sure when she was coming back." Makarov explained further. "Laxus isn't taking the news so well."

"I can imagine considering how much he loved her." Freed agreed.

"Exactly." Makarov nodded. "That's why I want the three of you to talk to him. Build up his confidence and convince him to go after [Name]. I've never seen Laxus so torn down."

The Thunder Legion nodded, understanding their task. "You can count on us, Master!" Bickslow gave Makarov a thumbs-up.

Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow left the guild, walking to Laxus's house. "I wonder what happened between them. Everything was going so great!" Evergreen pouted. "We won't know until we talk to Laxus." Freed replied. "Maybe he cheated on her." Bickslow piped up with his dolls echoing, "Cheated! Cheated!"

"Laxus would never do that!" Freed and Evergreen shouted in unison.

"Well, it's the only thing I can think of." Bickslow shrugged.

The Thunder Legion made it to the dragon slayer's house. Freed knocked on the door, but there was no response. He tried again and waited for a response. Nothing. "I've got a bad feeling." Evergreen mumbled.

Laxus, what happened between you and [Name]? Freed thought, And where are you?

Shy!Laxus x Reader: The BreakupWhere stories live. Discover now