11 ~ Finding Out The Gender

Start from the beginning

As you walked out, you stared in awe at the ultrasound picture. You were so unbelievably excited to be having a girl- you would get to braid her hair, dress her in pretty skirts and cute dresses, and share that special bond that only a mother and daughter could share. You could tell that Harry was ecstatic, also. He's going to have two girls to spoil.

"I've got to call Gem, tell her how wrong she is." He smirked as he opened the car door for you, and you just laughed. 

Niall ~ You had planned the appointment only a few days in advance after going back and forth with management to find out when Niall could get away for a day to fly back to London. They had told you that on Thursday, nothing was planned, and if he could manage to get back for the next show, it was okay if he left. Niall was so excited to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl- it was all he talked about. He would ramble on and on for hours, about what color to paint the nursery, how he could teach his son to play golf and football, or how he wouldn't mind putting on a tutu for his little girl. You never thought that Niall could be so excited about something so simple. It was fun to watch him count down the days before the appointment, and get more and more excited as the days passed.

You were all set to go, your bags packed and only a few minutes away from the airport, when Niall's phone rang. He answered and quickly hung up again, slamming his phone down to the seat.

"Niall, what's wrong?" You asked timidly, as he was angry. When Niall was angry, he could lash out at the wrong people and say the wrong things. His face was red as he curled and uncurled his fingers on his lap. He angrily muttered swear words under his breath, and you placed your hand on his thigh. "What happened?"

He turned to look at you, and got angrier. He slammed his fist onto the seat in front of him, screaming a curse word. "Jesus, Niall, speak to me!"

"They couldn't give less of a shit about us!" He yelled, pulling at his hair. "All they want is fucking money, and I'm just another doll to them. Apparently, I'm not even a fucking person. Bunch of dicks!"

"Niall, don't tell me...."

"They planned a last minute interview with a radio station, and I have to go back. What don't they understand about this? I'm having a child, and all I want is to take one God damned day off to go to the doctor's appointment. That's fucking it!"

"I- I don't know what to say. We can reschedule or something. Maybe we can go next week?" You tried to calm him, but it didn't seem to work. His anger kept boiling up, and he was having a hard time containing it.

"No, hell no. There's always going to be something, Y/N. Our baby needs to be checked on, I need to know if they're healthy."

"You want me to go without you?" He nodded, taking his hands in his and running the pad of his thumb over your knuckles. "I won't find out the gender, we can make it a surprise or something. I don't want to know if you aren't there with me."

"No, find out. You can tell me over the phone."

"I won't. What if we wait? What if we don't find out until he or she is born?" You suggested, and Niall began to think about it.

"But then we'd have to paint the nursery brown, and buy a bunch of boring clothes."

"It's fine, I think. We can do the nursery white, and then add different colors when the baby is born. And when they're a newborn they don't need much other than pajamas. We can buy a bunch of stuff online after he or she is born, anyway. I don't think I want to know, Niall. But do you?"

"I guess not. I guess that's fine. I actually think it would be a fun surprise." He smiled, kissing your lips passionately. "But you need to go to the appointment and make sure the baby is doing good, okay?"

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