Chapter 1 Mister Blue Suit

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(The Old Cover is preserved here.)
Travis's POV

I noticed it like I'd notice a fly buzzing by my ear. I was running papers through a copier when I felt it- someone was staring at me. I figured it was because they thought my long brown hair tied up in a ponytail meant I was a girl- a common misconception in this office. They'd be surprised when I turned around.

I gathered up my papers and stacked them, fixing them against the table, turning around to find a well-dressed man starting at me, an amused smile coming to his face as I faced him.

"May I help you, mister blue suit?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly and hoping he'd go away now he knew I was not a girl. I had papers to distribute.

"Mister blue suit?" He chuckled, looking down at his outfit. "Fitting, but that's not the way to speak to a higher up." He says, looking at me with hazel eyes.

I impatiently tapped my foot. "Would you mind moving out of my way mister? A higher up should appreciate I'm trying to do my job." I said. I had already been called out before for being late with these, I wasn't going to be late again because of some higher up.

"Well I do appreciate you're doing it, I'm just a little disappointed you won't stay and talk to me more." Blue suit said. Well, he was starting to be weird.

"I have to get to a board meeting right now, with these papers." I told him sternly, trying to edge around him, checking my watch.

"The same one I'm headed to? Great!" Blue suit took my arm and pulled me along.

"H-hey! I have to be careful with these papers!" I said, clutching them to my chest as he dragged me along. The guy was maybe one inch taller than me, had black hair, and apparently worked out because soon I was being quite literally dragged on my but down the hallway. "You're crazy!" I yelled at the man, trying to twist away.

"Just a little bit. Now shut up and let's get to that meeting mister paperwork." I probably gave him the sharpest glare I could manage, and he started laughing. I looked away from him and pursed my lips, refusing to look at him.

Blue Suit paused at the door and let me go, and I scrambled to my feet as he opened the door, gesturing for me to go in. I glared at him and pushed open the other door, walking in that way. He chuckled behind me as the board paused to face him.

"Mister Sanders! We were waiting for you!" My boss politely said. "I hope my assistant didn't cause any trouble?"

I closed my eyes. Shit. The CEO himself was mister Blue Shitty Suit?

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