makin' babies, friends, and hot dogs

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Jason's pov

We threw a little BBQ. A couple kids run by me chasing each other with super soakers. Tyler pats my shoulder. "Just think man, this'll be you in a few months." He says. I smile. "Don't you mean us? My kids are gonna know their uncle Tyler." I say, flipping a few burgers, my eyes still focused on happy wife who's finally back to full health, her hair grown out again. Tyler sees me staring at her. "You really love her." He says. "I really do." "You put your life on hold when she was sick. I've never seen a guy do that for a girl." "Then you've never seen true love." I go back inside to get the condiments and hot dogs when someone knocks at the door. I set the stuff down and open the door. I'm surprised to see Luke with his boys. We haven't talked in several months after all that stuff went down. "H-Hey Luke, what are you doing here?" "The kids wanted to visit their favorite uncle. I know you hate me and ya got the right but don't punish the boys." I nod. "Of course. We've got a BBQ going on in the back. Care to join?" He smiles. "Thanks." Bo and Tate hug me. "Hey boys, I missed you guys too." They go out to the backyard. "I have some news, man." "What is it?" He asks. "You're gonna be an uncle now too." His eyes go wide. "Really wow! Congrats man! When's the baby due?" I smile. "Babies. And in a few months but it's not the ordinary pregnancy." "What do you mean?" "Well, Miranda can't have kids so her sister Sierra offered to be our surrogate so now she's carrying triplets." "Whoa! Dude, that's just.... Wow... I'm speechless." I laugh. "You sure don't sound speechless." I joke. He laughs too and we go back and join the party. I put the hot dogs on the grill. "Hey baby, where'd ya go?" I wrap my arm around her waist. "To get the hot dogs." "You know you're really good at hosting parties." "Yeah, I'm a partyer." "Maybe we should have our own little party later." She whispers in my ear. I smile. She's real flirty today. I kiss her then get the hot dogs on a plate. "Burgers and dogs are done!" I call. Rich helps Sierra to the table. I put a plate in front of her. "Eat up. Remember you're eating for four now." Rich jokes. She rolls her eyes. "Oh those two are so gonna get together." She whispers. "Oh yeah." I reply, nodding. I grab a hot dog just as she does. "Cheers to being new parents soon." She says, hugging me one armed. I do the same and kiss her then we eat hot dogs.

*a few months later*

I pace the waiting room as Sierra is doing what the doctor told her to do. They are gonna induce labor since she still hasn't gone into it naturally. I hope everything is okay. "Hey Jay, it's okay these things happen all the time. It doesn't mean something is wrong with the kids." Luke says, patting my shoulder. Miranda runs out. "Jason, it's time. They're coming." She says, grabbing my hand. We run back there.

*several hours later*

I see my family and friends gathered around the nursery window as they bring the babies in. We named one girl Sierra of course. The other Kim because that's Miranda's middle name and we both liked it. And we named our son Andrew. "They're perfect." She says, taking a deep breath. "How's Sierra doing?" "She's sleeping now. I will never forget what she did for us." I smile.

Sorry for the time skip. But 10 years later

Andrew finishes his homework and grabs the remote. I watch him carefully. "You better not be changing the channel. The bulldogs game is coming on." He laughs. "You're crazy. Do you really think I'd change the dawgs game?" He laughs again and turns it up. "That's what I thought, munchkin." I say, ruffling his hair. I sit down on the couch with a beer and a bowl of popcorn. "You ready for some football buddy?" "Yeah I'm ready for some football. Are you?" "You know it, little man. I wonder when the girls are gonna make it back." Just as I say that, they walk through the door. "How was shopping?" I joke. She rolls her eyes and goes upstairs to change out of her mud soaked clothes. The girls went mudding before the game. "Hey honey, come here for a sec?" She calls. "Aw but baby, the game's starting!" "Get up here now!" Uh oh. That's her worried voice. What's going on. I set my beer down and get upstairs as quickly as I can. "What's wrong baby?" She's crying on the bed. I fear the worst. "Please don't tell me-" "Doctor says the cancer's back." Her phone drops to the ground. I end the call totally shocked. It's lied dormant for ten years. Why all of a sudden did it come back? How am I gonna explain this to the kids? "Mom Dad, the game's starting!" Sierra calls. I glance back at the doorway. She lays down, crying into a pillow. "Call my sister." She whispers. I nod and stand up. Her phone still shakily in my hand. I press the call button and put it to my ear. Listening to it ring and her cry, the only two noises I hear. "Hey sis." She answers. "It's me Si, I...." "What's wrong Jay, you sound scared!" "I am. The cancer came back." "What!! No!!" Tears fill my eyes. I sit beside her, rubbing her back. "It's true. I'm sorry." I hang up, laying beside her. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay. You're a survivor. You've beaten this thing so many times. I know you can do it again." I say, holding her in my arms. She cries softly in my arms. "What about the kids? What do we tell them?" She whimpers. "I'll figure something out." One of the kids knocks on the door. "Are you guys coming back out?" Kim asks. "Not right now, sweetheart. Just watch the game without us." I say. "Okay." My sweet girl cries herself to sleep in my arms.

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